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Podcast Episode - Wordle and the Web We Need

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"Doing Recent History" Panel at the 2022 American Political History Conference

At a moment when democracy is under assault in the U.S. and abroad, and when grassroots activism is rapidly and radically altering the terms of political debate, U.S. political history has been thriving, both inside the academy and in the wider world of activism, journalism, and politics. This conference aims...

Wheelchair icon where person fixes their wheelchair

When DRM Comes For Your Wheelchair

Making it easier for people who use powered wheelchairs to get them fixed won’t solve all the other problems with powered wheelchairs: it won’t solve the problem of being forced to use indoor chairs outdoors; it won’t solve the problem of a market concentrated into the hands of two companies...

Speech-Related Offenses Should be Excluded from the Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty

Governments should protect people against cybercrime, and they should equally respect and protect people's human rights. However, across the world, governments routinely abuse cybercrime laws to crack down on human rights by criminalizing speech. Governments claim they must do so to combat disinformation, “religious, ethnic or sectarian hatred,” “rehabilitation of...


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