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Distributed Scale

Scale out Postgres by distributing your data & queries across a cluster. And it’s simple to add nodes & rebalance shards when you need to grow.

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Parallelized Performance

Speed up queries by 20x to 300x (or more) through parallelism, keeping more data in memory, higher I/O bandwidth, and columnar compression.

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Power of Postgres

Citus is an extension (not a fork) to the latest Postgres versions, so you can use your familiar SQL toolset & leverage your Postgres expertise.

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Simplified Architecture

Reduce your infrastructure headaches by using a single database for both your transactional and analytical workloads.

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Open Source

Download and use Citus open source for free. You can manage Citus yourself, embrace open source, and help us improve Citus via GitHub.

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Managed Database Service

Focus on your application and forget about your database. Run Citus in the cloud as a built-in option on Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

Citus = Postgres At Any Scale

Citus is an open source extension that transforms Postgres into a distributed database. Because Citus is a Postgres extension, you can leverage the Postgres features, tooling, and ecosystem you love. Citus 10 adds new features like columnar storage and single-node Citus—plus we’re open sourcing the shard rebalancer. With Citus 10, you can scale from single-node Citus to a large distributed cluster. Which is why we now say: “Citus gives you Postgres at any scale.”


Applications That Love Citus

Ready to get started?

Why Shard Postgres? Performance

See how Citus gives this application ~20X faster transactions and 300X – 150,000X faster analytics queries.

YouTube video still: High performance PostgreSQL with Postgres & Hyperscale (Citus)

A side-by-side comparison of Citus vs. single-node Postgres, comparing the performance of transactions, analytical queries, and analytical queries with rollups.

How to Get Citus

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Citus Open Source

With Citus, you extend Postgres with superpowers like distributed tables, distributed SQL query engine, columnar, & more.

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Citus on Azure

You can also spin up a Citus cluster in the cloud on Azure, with Hyperscale (Citus) in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

Ready To Get Started With Citus?