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Did You Know?

VAIRRS Project Cover Sheet Wizard Guide

Find the updated Project Cover Sheet outline in the VAIRRS Toolkit for review. The new PCS will be deployed to the sandbox in the coming weeks. We suggest you take a moment to review the revised outline to ensure research office staff are aware of the upcoming changes. More detail regarding the updates can be found in the VAIRRS Library Updates section below.

 IRBNet Configuration Notifications

The auto-generated notifications can be customized for your site. Please contact IRBNet Support at [email protected] for more information.

 Committee Member Recusal Function

Recusals can be noted on the Reviews and Minutes page. Under the Voting section, you can add or remove recused committee members, and the recused members will be recorded in the minutes.

VAIRRS Library Updates

There have been a few modifications made to the following items:

Project Cover Sheet

  • New questions for Cerner access
  • COI response options updated
  • Research Topic Areas
  • Additional instructions and navigation tools

2.0A Determinations Request

  • Removed options for pregnant women and non-Veterans
  • Removed target dates

R&DC Forms

  • The R&DC forms have been upgraded to Adobe fillable forms. The forms are available in the VAIRRS Toolkit and will be posted to IRBNet on March 18th.
VAIRRS Strategic Advisory Council

The nomination period for the VAIRRS Strategic Advisory Council (VSAC) is now closed. Thank you to all individuals who self-nominated or nominated a colleague. We are currently reviewing the nominations and conducting the selection process. All nominees will receive a follow-up message via email in the coming weeks.

The first VSAC meeting will be held in June 2022.

CO COI Workspaces

The new RCO module is scheduled for deployment in June 2022. The new module has many advanced features, such as providing the ability to easily and instantly access the 

electronic records for audits, record audit results using the electronic audit tools, and automatically have VA committees and researchers properly notified and granted access to audit results. At the end of the 2022-2023 reporting cycle, IRBNet will provide RCOs with aggregate data supporting that cycle's Facility Director Certification (Part B) report.

The new COI module is currently in development. A data call for local COI administrator contact information will be distributed to all research offices in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye out for this request.

VAIRRS Project Cover Sheet Tracking

The Project Cover Sheet has been updated to improve study personnel tracking. The changes aim to remove the need for R&D committees to track project staff outside of VAIRRS, and to assist sites using or transitioning to Cerner Millennium with their Electronic Health Record (EHR) Research User Roles assignments. Studies will need to update the Project Cover Sheet any time study personnel are added, removed or have a change in their EHR access needs for the project. This new process, used by all facilities, will remove duplicative tracking and help ease future transitions to the Cerner Millennium EHR.

VAIRRS EHR updates

A new question has been added to the Project Cover Sheet in the “Study Characteristics” section that tracks which research projects will be using the EHR (CPRS or Cerner Millennium) for research purposes. The new question will assist sites transitioning to Cerner Millennium in identifying studies that need to use Cerner applications. If clarification is needed, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Privacy Officer Guidance

Central Research Privacy Board (CRPB) Closure: ORD will close the VA CRPB on May 31, 2022, in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Section E, Termination Provisions. Formal closure letters will be sent by ORD to each of the nine sites in May 2022. The closure of the CRPB is not associated with the Central Privacy Review pilot program.

Questions about the R&D website? Email the Web Team.

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