Scott Trust Bursary

Three bursaries to help aspiring journalists break into the media

​Applications for our 2022 Scott Trust Bursary scheme are now closed! 

The Guardian Foundation offers a number of bursaries each year for aspiring journalists to study for an MA in journalism. Details of courses which qualify can be viewed here. 

The primary aim of these bursary awards is to assist students who face financial difficulty in attaining the qualifications needed to pursue a career in media.

As a media organisation we are keen to reflect the society we serve. We recognise that certain groups are under-represented within this industry and so we particularly encourage applications from graduates with diverse social and/or ethnic backgrounds. 

Past beneficiaries of the bursary awards have gone on to successful careers at a variety of media organisations, including the Guardian.

The Guardian Foundation is an independent charity which supports media under threat, promotes diversity in the media and empowers children and young people to engage with the news. For further information please email: [email protected]

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