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Food security – business as usual?

Find Your Feet

Scientific and technological advances have led to an increase in agricultural productivity over recent decades. Why is it then that a billion people in developing countries are still facing life threatening situations of malnutrition?

For people who depend on agriculture to feed their families the preservation of natural resources is vital. However industrial agriculture has contributed to the degradation of soils, to the depletion of underground water supplies and to a decline in agricultural biodiversity.

Is there a way forward for agriculture that does not deplete the natural resources on which we depend? And what is the most appropriate model for agriculture given our changing climate?

Innovative small-scale farmers in developing countries are practising agricultural techniques that enable them to both adapt to a changing climate and to ensure the protection of the environment for future generations. Perhaps it is time to start learning from, and supporting, their approach?

Case study 1

FYF case study 1

"With our small plot of land, we could only grow one harvest of pulses a year. And that was it.

Now I've received training from (FYF partner) Pepus in sustainable farming practices, my yields have improved so much. I don't want to use chemical fertiliser now because it destroys soil fertility. Composting is cheaper and I get good yields.

I've joined with five other group members to take a loan for an irrigation pump. Before, we weren't able to grow anything in this season because it was too dry. Now, we can grow crops all year round and we have a variety – vegetables, paddy and fodder. We are now growing enough to sell part of our harvest to earn a profit."
Babata, Ramnagar village, India

Case Study 2

FYF case study 2

"I used to have problems with eroding soils and my plants were sometimes washed away. This meant I struggled to grow enough to feed my family.

Now I use contour ridges which mean my crops are now protected and they don't need as much water to grow. I have also started growing groundnuts, which I can sell to earn an income.

In future, I want to reduce my food deficit months so that three months are turned to none."

Nankebe Bili, Ntcheu district, Malawi

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