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'Information as aid itself'

British Red Cross

"Information is a vital form of aid in itself… Disaster affected people need information as much as water, food, medicine, or shelter. Information can save lives, livelihoods and resources. "
IFRC World Disasters Report

In the immediate aftermath of a disaster the first people to act are the affected communities themselves. If the humanitarian community can get the right information to them during that time it can make a huge difference.

Lives can be saved when humanitarian agencies work together to ensure messages about how people can effectively help their own communities – such as how to make water safe to drink and where to take shelter – reach them in time.

It is time to work together to resolve: How aid agencies and media organisations can work better together to provide life-saving information to disaster affected communities? And what are the obstacles to working in this way?

Case study 1

BRC case study 1
A volunteer of the NS shows a woman how to wear the mask and explains its utility. Photograph: Jose Manuel Jiménez/IFRC

After the recent H1N1 flu outbreak in Mexico, the distribution of relevant, helpful information played a vital role in the response work undertaken by the Red Cross. Read more here.

Case study 2

BRC case study 2

The Irish Red Cross undertook an innovative project in 2004, after the Asian Tsunami, using a radio show to give affected communities a voice, and also to communicate with those affected. Read more here.