Advancing a Value-Driven Health Care System for All Veterans

Authorized by Section 152 of the MISSION Act of 2018, the Center for Care and Payment Innovation (CCPI) plays a critical role in ensuring the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) maximizes quality of care while balancing costs – known as high-value health care – and delivers needed services to Veterans. CCPI works with partners across the government and the health care industry to develop and test innovative approaches to Veteran care across a wide range of service areas.

Through these collaborative efforts, CCPI aims to:

  • Improve Veterans' access to care and services.
  • Improve quality, timeliness, and patient satisfaction.
  • Create cost savings for the Department.

Strengthening Care for Veterans Now and in the Future

MISSION: Accelerate VA’s transition to high-value care that creates efficiencies, promotes equity, and achieves the best health outcomes for all Veterans.

VISION: CCPI collaborates across the government and health care industry to design, evaluate, and scale innovative payment and health care delivery approaches to drive value and better serve Veterans.

VHA IE delivers four critical cornerstones needed to create a foundation

Our Approach to Innovation

CCPI leads the designing, testing, and implementation of pilot programs to improve health care services and payment options for Veterans. From concept to close, CCPI partners closely with VA medical centers and facilities, VA regional offices, VA program offices, Veteran organizations, and industry to ensure the needs of Veterans are at the center of every pilot program we create.

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CCPI uses a standard framework for pilot program assessment, approval, and management. Using this framework allows us to create a structured approach to innovation that helps us:

  • Identify the need for care and payment innovation through data-driven decision-making.
  • Proactively identify high-risk, high-need Veterans with various illnesses and in different geographies.
  • Ensure health equity is accounted for throughout a pilot’s design and implementation.
  • Engage the VA Innovation Steering Committee to identify, evaluate, prioritize, and recommend innovation opportunities.
  • Leverage the authority granted by Section 152 of the MISSION Act to submit waiver requests for Congressional approval.

Getting More Veterans Smiling with VETSmile

In July 2021, CCPI launched the VETSmile pilot program to improve dental care access for VA-enrolled Veterans currently ineligible for VA dental services. The pilot program is implemented in collaboration with community dental care partners nationwide. During its initial year, the VETSmile pilot expects to serve 3,900 Veterans through 9,000 patient visits!


1000 +

Veterans Served



Dental Visits


3200 +

Dental Procedures

More about CCPI

CCPI is organizationally aligned to the VHA Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning (OHIL) as a sister organization to the Innovation Ecosystem (IE) and the Simulation Learning, Evaluation, Assessment and Research Network (SimLEARN), and under VHA’s Office of Discovery, Education, and Affiliate Networks (DEAN).

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Office of Discovery, Education, and Affiliate Networks

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Innovation Ecosystem

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Simulation Learning, Evaluation, Assessment and Research Network

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