Air Force Birthday

Air Force birthday

Air Force Birthday

The U.S. Air Force was officially founded on 18 September 1947, and in the decades since it has established itself as an air force second-to-none.

Yet the Air Force's history and heritage goes back the turn of the twentieth century.

Related: Air Force News and Info

Between 1909 -- when that the US military purchased its first aircraft -- and 1947, the U.S. Air Force did not exist as a separate and independent military service organization. It went through a series of designations: Aeronautical Section, Signal Corps (1909); Aviation Section, Signal Corps (1914); United States Army Air Service (1918); United States Army Air Corps (1926), and United States Army Air Forces (1941).

Related: Learn about the Space Force

WWII illustrated the value of airpower, and the need to change the basic organization of the US Military Forces. The result was the creation of a single Department of Defense with a strong Joint Chiefs of Staff with Army, Navy, and Air Force chiefs. In 1947 President Truman signed the National Security Act which established this new defense organization, and along with it the creation of the US Air Force as an independent service, equal to the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy. 

The official Air Force birthday is Sept. 18, 1947.

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Air Force Birthday Slideshow

Timeline: Air Force Milestones

1949:  The flight of the “Lucky Lady II” demonstrated  the Air Force’s capability to fly, non-stop round the world, showing it could take off from the U.S. and drop bombs anywhere in the world.

1950-1953:  USAF engaged in the first completely jet aerial combat During the Korean War.  The F-86 Saberjet scored impressive aerial victories against the enemy MiG-15.

1954:  The first B-52 Stratofortress came into the USAF Inventory and has served in every conflict since its appearance.

1960s: The development and deployment of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) as a major component of the aerial defense capability of the United States.

1964-1973:  War in Vietnam

1970s:  The development of laser-guided bombs and TV-guided air to ground missiles. Air mobility took a major step forward with the introduction of the C-5 Galaxy in the Air Force Inventory.  Other aircraft systems  introduced in this decade were the F-15, A-10, AWACS, and F-16.

1980s:  Stealth Technology was revealed advent of the F-117; strategic bomber capability was increased with the deployment of the B-1.

1990s:  USAF played a major role in the swift defeat of the Iraqi military forces in the first Persian Gulf War:  The Air Force underwent a major reorganization with the formation of Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command, and Air Force Materiel Command.  The USAF supported the war in the Balkans, and the US intervention  Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti.

2000 -- Present: The Expeditionary Air Force concept was a major transition in how the Air Force employed forces.   The Global War on Terrorism brought the USAF into Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.