The Ultimatum: Madlyn Ballatori and Colby Kissinger welcome baby girl

Madlyn Ballatori said she got pregnant three months after filming ended

Laura Hampson
Saturday 07 May 2022 10:48

Madlyn Ballatori and Colby Kissinger from Netflix reality show, The Ultimatum, have welcomed their first child.

The baby, a girl called Josephine Riley Kissinger, or Josie for short, was born on 2 May at 7.25am and weighs eight pounds, eight ounces.

The Ultimatum sees couples appear on the show where one half of each pairing has issued an ultimatum: get engaged or break up.

Couples then spend three weeks living with someone from one of the other couples before making their decision at the end of the show.

Ballatori, 24, and Kissinger, 25, previously revealed to E! that they became pregnant three months after the show had finished filming, and that a wedding is on the cards “soon”.

In an exclusive interview with E!, Ballatori said that while she was initially planning on a natural birth, they found out Josie was in breech at 36 weeks and Ballatori would need to have a C-Section.

“They told me she was going to be nine pounds so that was terrifying. But it couldn’t have gone more smooth,” Ballatori said. “I had an amazing team of doctors and it took only took about 20 minutes so no complaints.”

Ballatori added that she “loved every minute” of pregnancy and that it gave her “a whole new sense of confidence and love for myself and for Colby. It just totally grew me as an individual and us as a couple”.

On holding Josie for the first time, Kissinger said: “[It’s] something that you can’t really describe the feeling of just a new life coming into the world, especially when it’s your own. It’s just so special and a moment I’ll never forget.”

The pair added that the whole cast of The Ultimatum have been in contact to send them well-wishes, with hosts Vanessa and Nick Lachey even sending a care package filled with outfits and stuffed animals.

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