Augmented Reality in construction – Benefits and Limitations

Augmented Reality in construction – Benefits and Limitations

February 9, 2022
Augmented Reality, Productivity

Augmented Reality Spotlight

Applications for Augmented Reality in construction

Although the construction industry is one of the oldest and most important industries in the world, new tools for the job often struggle to catch on. At the same time, innovation is a critical asset in the construction industry. Augmented Reality in construction is another forward-thinking step, as well as an invaluable tool for every part of this industry. It uses advanced camera and sensor technologies that combine digital elements, sounds and sensory stimuli. They all help present the data in real time. The following application areas lend themselves to the use of Augmented Reality in construction:

Project planning and presentation

Augmented Reality in construction can be used to display details and elements on the construction plan. By visualizing working models, all parties involved succeed in creating a deep understanding of the project. With Augmented Reality in construction, it is also possible to take virtual tours before construction begins.

Visualizing project information in real time

The key advantage of Augmented Reality in construction is the combination of documentation and digital information. It enables employees, architects, engineers and customers alike to regularly monitor the process on the construction site. Another option is to perform construction measurements and gauge project efficiency.

Encouraging teamwork

In a highly collaborative sector like construction, effective teamwork is especially important. With the help of Augmented Reality, it is ensured that all team members are utilized in the best possible way. By constantly focusing on an ideal outcome, problem solving, and error correction can be implemented at an early stage. It is no longer necessary for every team member to be physically present.

See how AR in construction works

Connect with our experts and find out how Augmented Reality can transform your construction processes.

How Augmented Reality can be used in construction

Mobile applications are slowly starting to make their way into the construction industry. For some time now, AR wearables and Augmented Reality have been used more and more in construction. This use of open development kits allows construction to be enhanced and improved throughout the construction phase. Augmented Reality in construction can be used during any construction phase:

  1. during the design phase, before construction begins.
  2. during the course of the construction venture: AR also makes it easier to check if everything is going according to plan. This makes it easy to avoid mistakes.
  3. after project completion, to ensure that all requirements have been met.

The benefits of AR in construction industry

The benefits of Augmented Reality in construction industry are manifold. Although the costs for this forward-looking technology are still high, they are becoming increasingly lower. Therefore, it is foreseeable that small to medium-sized companies will soon also be able to invest in this way of working. In the process, precisely such companies will benefit from the most important advantages of Augmented Reality in construction.

Rework and losses due to downtime are minimized

In the construction industry, completing projects on time is especially important to ensure that budgets are met. While BMI models have proven valuable, Augmented Reality in construction makes this endeavor much easier. With the combination of both tools, construction plans can be adjusted, and the logistics of the coming weeks can be planned as desired.

Additionally, it’s easier for workers to spot potential overlaps. This eliminates the need for rework, while Virtual Reality in construction promotes employee safety.

Improved project management and teamwork

Augmented Reality in construction makes it possible to present the results even before the work is complete. Misunderstandings can be identified more easily. Paper schedules and delays in communication are also eliminated as AR Overlays help identify issues faster. This also makes it easier to conduct inspections as they arise.

Apps such as Assist AR or the use of xMake can be used to optimize collaboration between the individual parties. Of course, the same goes for Frontline communications: They all ensure that teams work together better and more precisely.

AR Constructing with Glasses

See how AR in construction works

Connect with our experts and find out how Augmented Reality can transform your construction processes.

The limitations of Virtual Reality in construction

AR can accompany construction projects through their entire lifecycle. This means that accuracy increases, and rework can be avoided, ultimately reducing construction costs. These advantages of Augmented Reality in construction clearly speak for the use of the new technology. Nevertheless, there are also limits to the possibilities at hand.

  • The acceptance of Augmented Reality in construction is restrained. This is especially due to the fact that AR is still considered an immature technology with insufficient testing.
  • The high level of efficiency, accuracy and consistency is up for debate. However, these points are essential for construction and engineering applications. Currently, complex 3D information models are not fully covered.
  • Another barrier is the novelty of this technology. At the same time, the financial implications are not clearly foreseeable, which is why many companies are reluctant to invest in this technology.
  • Augmented Reality in construction requires a learning curve that must first be overcome.
  • During Augmented Reality building construction, a strong WLAN and Internet connection must be ensured. In an unstable environment, there is no guarantee that the gadgets will work reliably.

Although all these points affect the use of Augmented Reality in the construction industry, there is another obstacle: the cost. Currently, it is an immense financial investment that smaller construction companies in particular cannot afford.

A look into the future of AR in construction

Augmented Reality in construction is a forward-looking technology that is set to drive the construction industry forward. Thanks to the numerous advantages of an Augmented Reality introduction, processes can be optimized and made more efficient. As a result, future construction projects can be realized faster and safer. In fact, Augmented Reality engineering applications could bring immense benefits to the construction industry: After all, this technology offers numerous opportunities to exploit one’s potential and improves on a daily basis.

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