Discover Glass Enterprise Edition
A hands-free device for smarter and faster hands-on work.
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Introducing Glass Enterprise Edition 2
Glass is a small, lightweight wearable computer with a transparent display for hands-free work.
Glass Enterprise Edition 2 with safety frames by Smith Optics.
Stay focused
Glass intuitively fits into your workflow and helps you remain engaged and focused on high value work by removing distractions. Using voice commands, you can activate the right application for you at any time.
Improve accuracy
Access training videos, images annotated with instructions, or quality assurance checklists that help you get the job done, safely, quickly and to a higher standard.
Collaborate in real-time
Glass can connect you with coworkers in an instant, bringing expertise to right where you are. Invite others to “see what you see” through a live video stream so you can collaborate and troubleshoot in real-time.
Google Meet on Glass
With Google Meet on Glass, meeting participants can experience a first-person view of the Glass wearer’s perspective and collaborate with the video meeting in real time.
Glass customer success
Discover how Glass helps businesses improve their output quality while helping employees work smarter and faster.
Case Studies
Improving operational efficiency
At DHL, there is a supply chain process called ''order picking” where employees fulfill customers’ orders by scanning items from racks before moving them into totes or bins on carts. Using Glass with a partner software solution from Ubimax, pickers now receive all picking instructions directly from Glass, right in their line of sight.
DB Schenker goes hands-free
DB Schenker is a leader in supply chain management and logistics solutions, handling everything from logistics to customized shipping solutions. They use Glass and software from Picavi to improve order-picking in their warehouses.
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