Speedrun! Deploying to Fly!

You have an application you want to deploy on Fly? You're in the right place.

Deploy Your App in Three Steps

  1. Install Flyctl - you'll need it.
  2. Create an account with flyctl auth signup or login with flyctl auth login.
  3. Run flyctl launch - create, configure, and deploy a new application

That's all your need to do for most applications. The launch command prepares your project, optionally attaches a Postgres database, and then deploys. launch knows about these kinds of apps:

Launch also works with a Dockerfile. If you're running something else, just find a functional Dockerfile and you're good to go.

If launch fails, don't stress. This is a complicated process. Post the command output in the community forum and get help!

Next Steps

  1. Run flyctl status - show the status of the application instances.
  2. Run flyctl open - open your browser and direct it to your app.

Would you like to know more? You should read up on private networking, volumes, and global Postgres.