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Podcast Episode - Securing the Vote

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Massachusetts' Highest Court Upholds Cell Tower Dump Warrant

This blog post was drafted with help from former EFF Legal Intern Emma Hagemann.Massachusetts’ highest court has upheld the collection of mass cell tower data, despite recognizing that this data not only provides investigators with “highly personal and private” information but also has the potential to reveal “the locations, identities,...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

11th Circuit's Ruling to Uphold Injunction Against Florida’s Social Media Law is a Win Amid a Growing Pack of Bad Online Speech Bills

There’s a lot to like in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal’s ruling that much of Florida’s social media law—the parts which would prohibit internet platforms from removing or moderating any speech by or about political candidates or by “journalistic enterprises”—likely violate the First Amendment and should remain on...

How to fix the internet: securing the vote with pam smith

Podcast Episode: Securing the Vote

U.S. democracy is at an inflection point, and how we administer and verify our elections is more important than ever. From hanging chads to glitchy touchscreens to partisan disinformation, too many Americans worry that their votes won’t count and that election results aren’t trustworthy. It’s crucial that citizens have well-justified...

¿Quién defiende tus datos?

Two of Peru's Top ISPs Improve Transparency Practices, While Two Competitors Lag Behind, New Hiperderecho's Report Shows

Peru’s top two telecom operators Movistar (Telefónica) and Claro (América Móvil) continued to earn high marks for being transparent about government requests for user data, while competitors Bitel (Viettel) and Entel slightly improved practices promoting human rights, but in general lagged behind, according to a new report issued today...

A figure shouts through a megaphone being held by another figure.

Platform Liability Trends Around the Globe: From Safe Harbors to Increased Responsibility

This is the first installment in a four-part blog series surveying global intermediary liability laws. You can read additional posts here: Platform Liability Trends Around the Globe: Taxonomy and Tools of Intermediary LiabilityThe vast majority of internet users around the world interact with online intermediaries—including internet service providers (ISPs),...

We Finally Have a Federal Fiber Broadband Plan

There is a lot to appreciate in the recently published “Notice of Funding Opportunity” (NOFO) by the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA). It is arguably the first federal government proposal that seeks to promote infrastructure policies focused on the future, rather than the usual subsidizing “good enough...


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