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RSAC: Hey, People, Patch Your Programs!

Secunia's Personal Software Inspector automates patching all your programs. The company's latest report reveals that 2013 saw a bumper crop of new vulnerabilities.

By Neil J. Rubenking

Secunia SmallBusiness Review


A simple-to-use patch management platform, Secunia SmallBusiness gives administrators needed visibility into what software versions are installed on all the computers in the organization. There's no excuse for the SMB and SOHO to use outdated applications, especially when Secunia offers its tool for free.

By Fahmida Y. Rashid

Hackers Target Third-Party Apps, Popular Programs, Says Secunia Vulnerability Review

Secunia tracks and remediates unpatched software vulnerabilities for millions of users worldwide. That gives Secunia researchers a unique perspective, a perspective shared in the latest Secunia Vulnerability Review.

By Neil J. Rubenking

RSA: Keep Your Small Business PCs Fully Patched

Your business's computers are vulnerable to attack if you fail to keep them fully patched. The new Secunia Small Business lets you check them all for safety and automatically apply patches.

By Neil J. Rubenking