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How to Run Your Business From a Phone or Tablet

Gone are the days of outdated tower PCs, here's how to get your small business working with your mobile devices. We've got advice for everyone from the dog-walker-for-hire to the tech start-up founder.

By Samara Lynn

Pertino (for Android) Review


This Networking-as-a-Service solution lets you quickly spin up a network in the cloud made up of physical computers, servers, virtual machines, and now mobile devices. Pertino is a maturing and increasingly intriguing platform aimed at regular users, though it still requires some networking know-how that may be beyond non-IT types.

By Samara Lynn

Pertino Review


Currently available in Limited Release, DIY cloud network Pertino has a lot of promising benefits for the SMB and is an exciting development in Networking-as-a-Service, but this still nascent solution needs some feature enhancements and is best suited for those with lighter networking needs.

By Samara Lynn