Hungry leeches attack bride on wedding day: 'There was so much blood'

''Bridezilla has become a common term in recent years, and has even sparked documentaries dedicated to the concept.

But what about those situations where it isn't the bride who has become obsessed with a wedding, but the mother of the bride?

In a letter from 2017 to the Dear Prudence advice column on Slate, one mother has proven it's definitely not just the brides who can let a wedding get the better of them.

In the anonymous letter, a mother writes about the concern she has concerning her 27-year-old daughter's choice of maid of honour, Katie.

She writes: "My 27-year-old daughter and her best friend, Katie, have been best friends since they were 4. Katie practically grew up in our house and is like a daughter to me. My daughter recently got engaged to her fiancé and announced that Katie would be the maid of honor (Katie’s boyfriend is also a good friend of my future son-in-law)."

"The problem is that Katie walks with a pretty severe limp due to a birth defect. She has no problem wearing high heels and has already been fitted for the dress, but I still think it will look unsightly if she’s in the wedding procession limping ahead of my daughter."

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That's right - and she's even brought these concerns up with her daughter.

"I mentioned this to my daughter and suggested that maybe Katie could take video or hand out programs (while sitting) so she doesn’t ruin the aesthetic aspect of the wedding."

Unsurprisingly, her daughter didn't take that very well.

"My daughter is no longer speaking to me (we were never that close), but this is her big wedding and I want it to be perfect. All of the other bridesmaids will look gorgeous walking down the aisle with my daughter. Is it wrong to have her friend sit out?"

Prudence's answer didn't hold back. She wrote:

"I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around this letter. I encourage you to reread it and to ask yourself that time-honoured question, “Do I sound like a villain in a Reese Witherspoon movie?”

She says the mother has "written a letter indicting yourself at every turn".

"This girl is “like a daughter” to you, and yet you want to shove her to the side of your other daughter’s wedding just because she walks with a limp. "A limp is not a fly in the ointment; it’s a part of Katie’s life.

She says her actions were "ableist, and cruel, and it speaks to a massive failure of empathy, compassion, and grace on your part.

The letter was shared on social media, and the consensus is in agreement with Prudence, obviously.

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