Steven Peters

Lastest Stories by Steven Peters

With virtually every inch of the Earth mapped and cataloged, and rising overall population density, it’s harder nowadays to find places that are truly uninhabited by humans — even in the...
With virtually every inch of the Earth mapped and cataloged, and with ongoing population growth, it’s harder nowadays to traverse unspoiled terrain in the United States. The population density of...
The American diet is not a healthy one. Typical eating patterns don’t match current dietary guidelines set by federal health agencies, according to the Department of Health. The majority of people...
Thanksgiving is over so we can officially start obsessing about Christmas. The festive feel this time of year has many people wishing for a quick celebratory getaway where Christmas spirit is...
Obama, Clinton, and Kennedy are among the five youngest U.S. presidents. The youngest was only 42 when he took office.
The ground beneath our feet is as important to human health as clean air and pure water. The soil is where nearly all the food people consume comes from, making healthy soil the foundation of a...
A shopping cart full of fancy foods can really put a dent in one’s budget. There’s no denying that some super healthy foods are also super pricey. But there’s also no denying that grocery...
To succeed in the U.S. economy, companies must constantly adapt to changing conditions. Though some of the nation’s largest corporations — companies such as General Electric, Exxon Mobil, and...
The image of the frontiersman blazing a trail through the wilderness is an archetype of American culture. It has been immortalized by paintings and poems depicting the rugged trailblazer seeking...
Eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and abstaining from bad habits like smoking — while by no means a guarantee — greatly increase one’s odds of living a...
The benefits of owning a dog have been established for decades. It all boils down to the fact that canines make people happy and keep them healthier. For kids, puppies are a source of unconditional...
Despite decades of raising awareness for gender equality, ranking countries based on how differently they treat men and women, and making political pledges to improve the status of women, the world...
Married people live longer, are healthier, and are less likely to be depressed, according to several studies. A major reason is social support: husbands and wives are likely to encourage each other...