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Order of Battle of the US Army - WWII - ETO

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"Middle West Division"

"Rolling W Division"

The division insignia consists of a black "W" within a circular black tower. The division personnel, during World War I, was drawn primarily from the Middle West, and the "W" indicates its western origin; when inverted, the letter becomes "M" and thus the name, "Middle West" Division. On its side, the letter represents the Greek letter "sigma", the symbol of summation that is, coordination or single effort. The circle is that geometrical figure which can come to stability in any position, yet move rapidly in answer to a change of forces.

Motto: "Get It Done!"

[page 325]


Commanding General

22 January 1945 Maj. Gen. Thomas D. Finley

Assistant Division Commander

22 January 1945 Brig. Gen. John N. Robinson

Artillery Commander

22 January 1945 Brig. Gen. John T. Bissel

Chief of Staff

22 January 1945 Col. Norman M. Winn

Assistant Chief of Staff G-1

22 January 1945 Lt. Col. Harold E. Sanford

Assistant Chief of Staff G-2

22 January 1945 Lt. Col. Charles M. Myrick

Assistant Chief of Staff G-3

22 January 1945 Lt. Col. George H. Gerhart

Assistant Chief of Staff G-4

22 January 1945 Lt. Col. James A. Wilson

Adjutant General

22 January 1945 Lt. Col. Vernon J. Blondell

Commanding Officer, 353d Infantry

22 January 1945 Col. Frank R. Maerdian

Commanding Officer, 354th Infantry

22 January 1945 Col. Robert C. Aloe
17 April 1945 Col. Curtis D. Renfro

Commanding Officer, 355th Infantry

22 January 1945 Col. Jesse T. Harris

[page 326]



Activated 15 July 1942
Arrived ETO 22 January 1945
Arrived Continent (D+230) 22 January 1945
Entered Combat 12 March 1945
Days in Combat 57

Casualties (Tentative)

Killed 222
Wounded 692
Missing 91
Captured 1
Battle Casualties 1,006
Non-Battle Casualties 1,074
Total Casualties 2,080
Percent of T/O Strength 14.6


Individual Awards

Legion of Merit 5
Silver Star 45
Soldiers Medal 1
Bronze Star 164

Prisoners of War Taken 43,512


[page 327]


Antiaircraft Artillery

550th AAA AW Bn (Mbl) 5 Mar 45-31 May 45


748th Tk Bn 25 Mar 45-6 Apr 45
707th Tk Bn 6 Apr 45-31 Apr 45


Co A, 91st Cml Mort Bn 9 Mar 45-23 Mar 45
Co B, 93d Cml Mort Bn 4 Apr 45-20 Apr 45

Tank Destroyer

811th TD Bn (SP) 6 Mar 45-12 Mar 45
602d TD Bn (SP) 12 Mar 45-29 May 45

[page 328]


(Attached to)


355th CT 11th Armd Div 17 Mar 45-21 Mar 45
914th FA Bn 11th Armd Div 17 Mar 45-21 Mar 45
Co C, 314th Engr C Bn 11th Armd Div 17 Mar 45-21 Mar 45
355th CT 4th Armd Div 3 Apr 45-6 Apr 45
914th FA Bn 4th Armd Div 3 Apr 45-6 Apr 45
Co C, 314th Engr C Bn 4th Armd Div 3 Apr 45-6 Apr 45

[page 328]


Assigned Attached Assigned Attached
18 Jan 45       ETOUSA; 12th  
21 Jan 45   Fifteenth   12th  
4 Mar 45 XII Third   12th  
23 Mar 45 VIII Third   12th  
22 Apr 45 VIII First   12th  

(-) Indicates relieved from assignment.

[page 329]


22 Jan 45 Fecamp (vic) (Camp Lucky Strike) Seine-Inferieure France
22 Feb 45 Blangy Seine-Inferieure France
6 Mar 45 Mersch   Luxembourg
10 Mar 45 Ralingen Rhineland Germany
10 Mar 45 Speicher Rhineland Germany
13 Mar 45 Gillenfeld Rhineland Germany
15 Mar 45 Bad Bertrich Rhineland Germany
18 Mar 45 Peterswald Rhineland Germany
20 Mar 45 Rhaunen Rhineland Germany
22 Mar 45 Soberheim Rhineland Germany
24 Mar 45 Lingerhahn Rhineland Germany
25 Mar 45 Badenhard Rhineland Germany
28 Mar 45 Weisel Hessen-Nassau Germany
29 Mar 45 Bad Schwalbach Hessen-Nassau Germany
3 Apr 45 Hersfeld Hessen-Nassau Germany
4 Apr 45 Nesselroden Thuringia Germany
8 Apr 45 Waltershausen Thuringia Germany
11 Apr 45 Arnstadt Thuringia Germany
13 Apr 45 Bad Berka Thuringia Germany
15 Apr 45 Kahla Thuringia Germany
16 Apr 45 Weida Thuringia Germany
18 Apr 45 Werdau Saxony Germany

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