Fixed Income Information

Dell's Credit Ratings

(as of November 1, 2021)

Standard & Poor's

Outlook: Stable

Rating Class Rating
LT Corp Family BBB
Senior Unsecured BBB
Senior Secured BBB
Legacy Notes* BBB
S&P Global Rating Definitions


Outlook: Positive

Rating Class Rating
LT Corp Family Baa3
Senior Unsecured Baa3
Senior Secured Baa3
Legacy Notes* Ba1
Moody’s Rating Definitions


Outlook: Stable

Rating Class Rating
LT Corp Family BBB
Senior Unsecured BBB
Senior Secured BBB
Legacy Notes* BBB-
Fitch Rating Definitions

* NOTE: Legacy notes are notes issued by Dell Inc. prior to the LBO and notes issued by EMC Corp. prior to the Dell | EMC transaction. Moody’s Legacy Notes rating only refers to the legacy Dell notes.