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29% of enterprises globally have adopted IoT as part of their business digitization strategies. Early benefits are cost savings, efficiency gains, and improved safety. In the next phase, IoT data will come to the fore.” – Omdia

The Internet of Things is connecting devices and driving value across all areas of industry and society. From smart homes to autonomous vehicles, from connected supply chains to intelligent cities, IoT is enabling transformation and disruption. Enterprises are already seeing IoT deliver increased efficiency and cost savings, improved worker safety and environmental quality, and deeper insight into machine performance and sustainability.

Informa Tech is now helping enterprises and technology providers move towards the next phase of IoT: greater IoT impact through verticalization by industry, massive scale as billions more devices are connected, and transformative levels of automation and autonomy. With terabytes of data being generated every minute by connected devices, a key challenge is how to manage, secure, and leverage that data for greater business and social benefit. This is where adjacent technologies – edge compute, blockchain, analytics and machine learning, 5G - marry up with IoT to deliver maximum value and drive future business models.

IoT is about ecosystems, channels, combined solutions, tech/industry/investor partnerships. Informa Tech’s comprehensive IoT events, media, communities and research connect the dots for success in the complex IoT ecosystem, both across horizontal technology markets, and within key verticals such as industrial, automotive, and smart cities. We simplify and unite the fragmented IoT market, offering a Matrix of products and services to help enterprises, public sector and tech companies enable digital transformation through IoT. We connect The only firm offering a forward-looking 360-degree view of IoT tech and trends



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