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Ned Ryerson
Agricultural machinery buff. Sandwich scientist. Laziest man in the office.
StroudJoined April 2013

Ned Ryerson’s Tweets

At the People's Forum rally, the warm-up act for Jeremy Corbyn is decrying the "demonisation of Milosovic, Gaddafi and Mugabe by NATO and imperialism" - comparing each of them to Fidel Castro
This is a repetition of the libel. It’s likely to lead to further legal action and bankruptcy. The assertion was utterly destroyed by a Judge saying that Sivier only held any such belief because he didn’t do any work to ascertain if it was correct.
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Replying to @DrStephMered
Not at all. I'm simply trying to get justice. Remember, the heart of this case is an attempt to defend a vulnerable girl from a very powerful adult.
It's coming fast and furious now. From Kanye West to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ilhan Omar to Dave Chappelle, antisemitism is being mainstreamed to an extent we haven't seen in recent memory. Now is the time for non-Jewish allies to stand with the Jewish community. We need you.
Was eating Syrian fast food in a cafe last night and talking (in English) about Russian savagery in Ukraine, and how belatedly the west had woken up to the problem. The chef walked over and began talking in Arabic. "I saw the Russian savagery in Syria. I was in Harasta." (urban
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Those who say that Putin cannot be defeated, or that he should be offered a chunk of sovereign Ukraine as an off-ramp, or that he should be kept in power to avert the worst – these people are the only ones who can help him snatch victory from the jaws of defeat 8/9
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In 1713, a man who called himself “Tim Cockleshell” sent this piece of wood with a smiling face burnt into it to Sir Hans Sloane, claiming it was a portrait “of one of the ancient kings of Mexico.” Sloane did not include it in the collection of the British Museum.
A piece of wood with a child-like sketch of a smiling face burnt into it.
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“A female World Cup official has fled Qatar due to the threat of facing 100 lashes and a seven-year jail term for 'extramarital sex', despite reporting she was raped.” In #Qatar, and other Muslim majority countries, women are punished for reporting rape.
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In Bucha, 'Russians hunted people on lists prepared by their intelligence services and went door to door to identify potential threats. Those who didn’t pass this filtration...were tortured and executed" Exactly what the NKVD did in occupied Europe in 1945
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Speaking of which....
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Look forward to learning what all the people being laid off from Twitter today actually did. Probably participated in lots of internal Team Meetings about stuff that was utterly pointless
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Turkey is emerging as the dominant player in this grain deal. After convincing Moscow to participate once again, Erdogan reportedly suggested to Putin to “completely withdraw & start negotiations” with Kyiv - as “defeat is inevitable”
And now *another* headache for Suella Braverman, as the bar standards board looks into a “dishonest statement to promote her career” as she tried to break into politics. Full story - and something else the regulator might want to have a look at - in the brand new Eye, out today.
Forty years ago today, in the news diary I kept as a kid, I noted down a moment of British broadcasting history: the birth of Channel 4. Just a few days later there was big news from Russia…
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