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Licensed Content Marketplace

Over 2,200 of the world’s leading publishers. Millions of stories, refreshed daily. Scale your content marketing program, fuel your channels, and build trust in your brand with our Licensed Content Marketplace.
Licensed Content Marketplace
Discover What's Possible With Licensed Content

Discover What's Possible With Licensed Content

SCALE your program easily with ready-to-publish content that goes live in a fraction of the time it takes to produce original content.

FUEL your distribution channels with content that often ranks among the top-performing assets for our clients.

BUILD audience trust in your brand’s campaigns and overall narrative with supporting stories from a range of diverse and authoritative voices.

RESONATE with your niche by delivering breaking news and industry-shaping developments from a breadth of vertical-specific publications.

TEST everything, from new audiences and topics, to imagery, tone, and content length, to make informed investments in original content and improve your program at large.

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Strategy and Curation Services

  • Save time with our expert curators who handpick and deliver batches of articles aligned to your strategy and brand guidelines, at your preferred cadence.
  • Refine your approach with seasoned content strategists who continually optimize your strategy, coordinate with your curator, and vet and format stories before publish.
  • Get the volume that’s right for you with flexible, tiered packages.
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Strategy and Curation Services

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