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  • Reports

    WinDealer dealing on the side

    We have discovered that malware dubbed WinDealer, spread by Chinese-speaking APT actor LuoYu, has an ability to perform intrusions through a man-on-the-side attack.

    APT trends report Q1 2022

    This is our latest summary of advanced persistent threat (APT) activity, focusing on events that we observed during Q1 2022.

    Lazarus Trojanized DeFi app for delivering malware

    We recently discovered a Trojanized DeFi application that was compiled in November 2021. This application contains a legitimate program called DeFi Wallet that saves and manages a cryptocurrency wallet, but also implants a full-featured backdoor.

    MoonBounce: the dark side of UEFI firmware

    At the end of 2021, we inspected UEFI firmware that was tampered with to embed a malicious code we dub MoonBounce. In this report we describe how the MoonBounce implant works and how it is connected to APT41.

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