VK Clips short video product is celebrating its 1st anniversary this month. Below are some of the highlights around the progress made so far:

  • 6mn+ clips having been published by 1.6mn content creators in the past 12 months, with the overall Clips video inventory already exceeding 25,000 hours
    • Humour is the most popular content category in terms of the number of views, followed by contents focused on animals, sport, celebrities and life hacks
    • We continue to roll out more Professional User Generated Content (‘PUGC’) and other exclusive content (e.g. mini series) to drive engagement on Clips
  • Audience of the service has grown by 2.5x, with DAU at 20mn vs 8mn in June 2020, which makes Clips already the largest short video product in Russia in terms of audience size
  • Engagement is on the rise, with daily video views exceeding 300mn on average, up 3x YoY, with the recent new daily record set at 350mn views
  • Time spent per user in Clips grew by 36% YTD with the number of users spending 10+ minutes per day on Clips rising by 24% during the same period and this consumption so far being additive to their overall VK engagement. Hence we are confident that Clips will help drive overall time spent on VK as the service continues to scale in users and engagement per user
    • Most engaged audiences are currently based in Moscow, St Petersburg, Kazan and Krasnodar
  • Product enhancements continue, with the recent launch of Duetsnew personalized recommendations, technological improvements to the Clips Player
  • We see significant monetization potential for Clips and are actively conducting experiments on CPM-based ad targeting, methods of sharing revenue with PUGC creators, and the ability to make purchases right inside Clips, albeit further product development and engagement increase will continue to be prioritized in 2021.

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