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Imagine: you’ve written the greatest post ever, and you share it far and wide across all your social networks. Then, someone visits your site and leaves the greatest comment ever on your post, and shares the post on their social networks. You get an influx of new visitors who love what they see, subscribe to your site, and are instantly notified of every new, amazing thing that you publish. Sound great? All of these things — and more — are made quick and easy with Jetpack’s Social-related features.

  • QR Post - If you're looking for a new way to share your posts try out the QR Post feature.
  • Twitter Widget - With the Twitter widget, you can embed Tweets (posts on Twitter) into your sidebars.
  • Extension: Social Previews - This extension of the Block Editor allows you to preview what your post / page will look like on search engines and social media.
  • Instagram Widget - The Instagram widget lets you display an Instagram Box with the latest photos from your account within a widgetized area of your theme. To add this widget, you first need to make sure the ‘Extra Sidebar Widgets’ feature is enabled. You can set the Instagram widget up by following these steps: Go to Appearance → Widgets in […]
  • WhatsApp Button Block - The WhatsAPP Button block will allow your customers to send you a message to enquire about your product or services, or to ask for support. Clicking on the button will open WhatsApp and pre-fill the phone number and initial message.
  • Extension: Unrolling Tweet Threads - This extension to the WordPress Twitter block allows you to import an entire Tweet thread into the editor as native blocks.
  • Latest Instagram Posts Block - The Latest Instagram Posts Block lets you display your most recent images from Instagram on your site. The block update automatically updates when you post new images to Instagram.
  • Eventbrite Block - With the Eventbrite block you can embed events on posts or pages.
  • Social Icons Widget - The Social Icons widget lets you easily add icons for the most popular social networks to your sidebar or another widget area. We’ve made it easy for you to add social media icons to your sidebar by using the Social Icons widget. Simply enter the URL for each service and we’ll take care of the […]
  • Subscribe Form Block - The Subscription Form Block allows you to insert a subscription form within the content area of any post or page, enabling your readers to get notifications when you publish new posts.
  • Flickr Widget - Jetpack's Flickr widget allows you to display photos from your Flickr photostream to any widget area on your site.
  • Milestone Widget - The Milestone Widget provides you with a simple way to create a countdown to a given date.
  • Authors Widget - The Authors Widget lets you showcase your blog’s writers in your sidebar.
  • Google Translate Widget - In today's world, you'll want you work to be accessible to everyone -- regardless of the languages they speak. The Google Translate Widget will help you reach new audiences by allowing your visitors to translate your website into their own language in one click!
  • Goodreads Widget - Goodreads provides a service that allows you to share your reading lists with friends. The Goodreads widget allows you to feature some of the books you’ve listed in the sidebar or footer of your site.
  • Contact Info Widget - The Contact Info widget allows you to display your location, hours, and contact information along with an optional map view.
  • Troubleshooting Publicize - For general features and FAQs, please see our information page. Of course, please do contact us if you still need help. As a first step to troubleshooting issues with Publicize, check that your Jetpack connection is working properly – Publicize will not work correctly otherwise. Jetpack and Open Graph tags For publicizing to Facebook and Twitter, your […]
  • Enhanced Distribution - Enhanced distribution allows your blog’s public content to be included in the firehose.
  • Gravatar Profile Widget - The Gravatar profile widget allows you to pull in your Gravatar image along with some of your Gravatar profile data.
  • Display WordPress Posts Widget - The Display WordPress Posts widget lets you display up to ten recent posts from another blog, or a self-hosted WordPress site with Jetpack enabled.
  • Facebook Widget - The Facebook Page Plugin widget lets you display a Facebook Like Box within a sidebar on your theme.
  • Image Widget - The Image widget allows you to easily add images to widget areas in your theme.
  • RSS Links - The RSS Links Widget allows you to add links to your blog’s post and comment RSS feeds in your sidebar.
  • Extra Sidebar Widgets - The "Extra Sidebar Widgets" feature includes widgets you can add to your blog.
  • Sharing - Sharing adds buttons to your posts that your readers can use to share your content on popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more!
  • Gravatar Hovercards - Hovercards make it easy to display information from your Gravatar profile. They display next to comments and can include links to your profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and more.
  • Subscribe Block (former Subscriptions widget) - This page explains how the Subscriptions feature of Jetpack lets visitors to your site sign up to receive notifications of your latest posts.
  • Troubleshooting Jetpack Comments - If Jetpack comments are turned on, but are not working, there may be an issue with your theme or one of your plugins.
  • Jetpack Comments - Jetpack Comments replaces your default comment form with a new comment system that has integrated social media login options.
  • Likes - The Like button is a way for people to show their appreciation for your posts. It’s also a way for authors to show the world how popular their content has become.
  • Publicize: LinkedIn - Thanks to the Publicize feature, you can automatically publish each one of your blog posts to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Publicize: Tumblr - Thanks to the Publicize feature, you can automatically publish each one of your blog posts to your Tumblr blog.
  • Publicize: Twitter - The Publicize feature allows you to publish each one of your blog posts to Twitter. Includes information to make the connection to Twitter and troubleshooting steps.
  • Publicize: Facebook Profiles & Pages - The Publicize feature allows you to publish each one of your blog posts to Facebook. Includes information to make the connection to Facebook and troubleshooting steps.
  • Publicize - Publicize makes it easy to share your site's posts on several social media networks automatically when you publish a new post.
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