REACH compliance

REACH is a European Union regulation (1907/2006/EC) restricting the levels of specific chemical substances in all imported goods. With our online platform, you can easily book your laboratory tests and keep your production REACH compliant.

REACH EU Regulation and Compliance

Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is one of the most comprehensive and far-reaching pieces of environmental legislation to come out of the European Union.
Third-party laboratory Testing allows you to verify compliance with the following requirements of REACH:

Annex XVII Restricted Substances

  • 7 phthalates (3phthalates for toys and childcare articles that can be places in the mouth by children)
  • AZO colorants in textiles
  • Nickel release from metal products in direct contact with skin
  • PCTs
  • Benzene
  • Asbestos fibres
  • Arsenic compounds
  • Mercury compounds
  • Cadmium
  • View full list

Candidate list of SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern)

There is a general 0.1% w/w (0.1% of total product weight) limit for each of the SVHCs that applies to all product types. Substances of Very High Concern include

  • Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMR)
  • Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) or very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative (vPvB)
  • Identified, on a case-by-case basis, from scientific evidence as causing probable serious effects to human health or the environment of an equivalent level of concern as those above (e.g. endocrine disrupters).

REACH Updates

Candidate List Extension

In July of 2021, eight new substances* of very high concern (SVHCs) were added to the Candidate List which now contains 219 substances. 

QIMA recommends all importers serving the EU test their products for SVHCs in order to show due diligence in complying with REACH regulations. QIMA Laboratory Testing can help you prepare, implement and comply with REACH regulations. Our testing services allow you to place your products with confidence on the targeted markets. To learn more about our testing services for a wide range of products, please complete the Need More Information form on the right.

ECHA candidate list of SVHC

Authorisation List Extension

In February 2020, the official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) published the 6th update of REACH Annex XIV (authorization list) under (EU) No 2020/171. An addition of 11 substances have been newly included in the authorization list and the total no. of substances under the list have been updated from 43-54.

In March 2020, the draft 10th recommendation of the list of substances subject to authorization have been released with comment period closed in June 2020. ECHA will provide its final recommendation to the European Commission in Spring 2021. The Commission will decide which substances to include in the Authorization List and on the respective conditions applicable for each substance.

ECHA News Release

View full authorization list

According to a news release from ECHA on 10 December 2020, “a valid registration was completely missing for 77 out of 1 193 (6.5 %) inspected substances needing a registration. 180 (15 %) of the substances were non-compliant with at least one of the registration-related obligations checked in the scope of the project. This includes the duty to register but also, for example, the duty to update the dossier, use intermediates under strictly controlled conditions, submit correct tonnage information or comply with requirements for only representatives.”

Don’t miss your registration duties. Hiring an experienced third party inspection company is the best way to ensure you are REACH compliant.

REACH Compliance

Testing with QIMA allows you to integrate your REACH testing during your product Inspection. Guarantee the sample is from your production, not a sample the factory wants you to test.

You will receive a detailed report informing you if your product passed or failed the REACH compliance test.

Supply Chain Insights

Złożoność importu do Meksyku i znaczenie proaktywnego skupienia działań
What are the main challenges of importing products to Mexico? Is there a way to reduce the risks of delay and additional costs?
Brexit Guide for UK Importers and Exporters
This guide provides clarity on the regulatory impacts of Brexit to help ensure business continuity during this period.
Germany's Proposed Supply Chain Law (2021): What You Need to Know
Prepare your supply chain for the upcoming human rights and environmental due diligence regulations in Germany, expected to take effect in 2021.
Omnichannel Retail and the Quality Risk
How can quality control at the source help prevent costly product returns for retailers?
Quick Guide: Safely Restarting Your Retail Business Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
An overview of best practice prevention measures and guidance to support retail stores to safely resume and continue their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quick Guide: Safely Restarting Your Restaurant Business Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
An overview of best practice prevention measures and guidance to support restaurants to safely resume and continue their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quick Guide: Safely Restarting Your Fitness Center Business Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
An overview of best practice prevention measures and guidance to support fitness centers to safely resume and continue their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quick Guide: Safely Restarting Your Hotel Business Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
An overview of best practice prevention measures and guidance to support hotels to safely resume and continue their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Verifying Hygiene Practices at Your Factories Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
An overview of best practice health and safety measures that should be in place at your factories to ensure safe operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Making Sense of SASO, SABER, and SALEEM
This handbook provides an overview of the requirements for businesses importing goods into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Evolution of Global Sourcing in 2020
This report analyzes the evolution of global sourcing in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, US-China trade tensions and other disruptions to global supply chains.
The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Quality Control and Compliance Program
An introduction to outsourcing quality control processes and the many benefits for businesses.
Covid-19 Epidemic and Global Supply Chains
Gain insights into the unfolding impact of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) epidemic on global sourcing.
The Netherlands Child Labor Due Diligence Law: What You Need to Know
Prepare your supply chain for the latest human rights due diligence regulation, taking effect in 2020.
2019 QIMA Supply Chain Conference - the Full Report
QIMA gathered more than 300 supply chain professionals in Hong Kong for our 3rd annual conference on the driving forces affecting global supply chains.
The Second Year of the Trade War: the Economic and Legal Implications
QIMA Supply Chain Conference 2019 - Session 1: Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Global Supply Chain
Emerging Regions: Growing Pains for Businesses Expanding into New Geographies
QIMA Sustainability Conference 2019 - Session 1: Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Global Supply Chain
From Traceability to Sustainability: the Virtually Limitless Applications of Technology in Global Supply Chains
QIMA Sustainability Conference 2019 - Session 1: Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Global Supply Chain
The Present and Future of Circularity in Fashion
QIMA Sustainability Conference 2019 - Session 2: Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing: Progress and Challenges
Are Global Supply Chains Making Progress in Ensuring Safe and Decent Work?
QIMA Sustainability Conference 2019 - Session 2: Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing: Progress and Challenges
Technology for Good: Innovative Tools for Protecting Human Rights in Global Supply Chains
QIMA Sustainability Conference 2019 - Session 2: Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing: Progress and Challenges
C-TPAT Audit and Compliance
The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection focused on improving the security of private companies' supply chains with respect to terrorism.
Global Supply Chains Amid the Trade Wars of 2019
Explore the findings of QIMA’s 2019 survey of 150+ businesses worldwide to find out how global supply chains and sourcing strategies are evolving in the second year of the US-China trade war.
China’s Changing Social Insurance Regulations: What You Need to Know
Stay up to date on China’s new social insurance regulations.
Trade Wars, Brexit, and Global Supply Chains in 2018
Get an exclusive look behind the scenes following a survey to QIMA's database to undercover how the escalating US-China trade stand-off is affecting global supply chains and sourcing strategies halfway into 2018.
2018 QIMA Sustainability Conference - the Full Report
Annual conference bringing together hundreds of supply chain and CSR professionals to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities in sustainable sourcing and supply chain ethics.
Sustainability and Ethics in Supply Chains: Current State and Progress
Sustainability Conference - Michael Bland presented an overview of the current state of sustainability and ethics in global supply chains, highlighting issues specific to individual countries and industries.
Lessons for Brands Looking to Eliminate Forced Labor from Their Supply Chains
Sustainability Conference - As the leader of the Modern Slavery Outreach Program implemented by the major sporting brand Adidas, Aditi Wanchoo shared the brand’s experience mitigating modern slavery risks at multiple tiers of a supply chain.
The Importance of Worker Voice in Managing Migrant Labor Modern Slavery Risks
Sustainability Conference - Pentland Brands, together with the NGO Issara Institute, emphasize the importance of making worker voice heard cross complex supply chains and shared practical examples of fostering worker empowerment and ethical recruitment practices.
Leveraging Technology to Fight Modern Slavery in Supply Chains
Sustainability Conference - The Mekong Club aims to harness the skills of the private sector to combat human trafficking. Dr. Zoe Fortune outlines the main advantages and opportunities offered by modern digital technologies in the ongoing fight against modern slavery.
Working Towards Gender Equality in Global Supply Chains
Sustainability Conference - Marat Yu shares key insights on gender equality and women’s rights from his work with HERProject, a collaborative initiative that strives to empower low-income women working in global supply chains.
Best Practices for Establishing Your Brand as a Recognized Sustainability Leader
Sustainability Conference - Building on 20+ years of data collected by the strategy and insights consultancy Globescan shares practical insights to help brands better communicate their sustainability efforts to the consumer and become recognized sustainability leaders.
How Will China’s New Environmental Protection Tax Affect Your Sourcing?
Sustainability Conference - China’s changing environmental regulations continue presenting challenges to business. Brian Ho of EY, provides valuable insights for businesses on navigating the latest Environmental Protection Tax Law.
The Power of Information Disclosure in Greening China’s Supply Chain
Sustainability Conference - The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, China, gives an overview of the groundbreaking work the NGO has carried out since 2006 to increase transparency around environmental issues in China.
Sustainability and Chemical Management – Practical insights from Fristads Kansas
Sustainability Conference - Speaking as the sustainability and CSR officer for Fristads Kansas, a major workwear and servicewear manufacturer, Caroline Bouisset shares practical experience of implementing a sustainability and chemical management program.
Key Compliance Considerations for Brands Sourcing from Small Factories in China
Sustainability Conference - Based on 15 years of experience of directly working with over 1,000 Chinese factories, Charles Coletta provides an overview of the key challenges a brand or buyer may face when sourcing from small factories in China and strategies to overcome them.
Invisible Links of Global Supply Chains: Dealing with Unauthorized Subcontracting
Understand the cause and risk of unauthorized subcontracting and how to mitigate the problem.
2018 QIMA Global Sourcing Survey
A survey of 250+ companies focusing on popular sourcing, QC and compliance practices, top sourcing challenges and major 2018 trends.
China’s Environmental Crackdown: is Your Supply Chain Ready?
Stay up to date on China’s anti-pollution campaign.
Modern Slavery: The Facts
On any given day in 2016, over 40 million people were victims of modern slavery.
In the Fast Lane: What Does Speed to Market Mean for Consumer Safety?
Learn more on how hasty business decisions during product development can impact consumer safety and your brand.
Are Supply Chains Truly Ready to Go "Beyond" Audits?
Modern CSR strategies involve a variety of tools, but can any of them fully replace supplier audits?
QIMA Ethical Compliance Conference
Watch our presentation and learn more about ethical compliance in global supply chains and procurement.
Structural Safety: the Life and Death Question of Your Supply Chain
In-depth analysis of the state of structural safety around the globe
5 Reasons Why Millennial-Focused Brands Cannot Afford to Ignore Social Responsibility
Read about the growing importance of Gen Y and social responsibility for your brand.
Will Consumer Awareness Put an End to Modern Slavery?
With an estimated 21 to 36 million people in forced labor worldwide, slavery is not a thing of the past.
The Five Golden Rules to a Successful QC Outsourcing Program
Quality Control best practices from the world's largest brands and retailers
QIMA Ethical Audits: Compliance, Trends, Procedures and Outcomes
Read about the processes and criteria involved in a successful ethical audit program.
Q3 2021 Barometer: China’s recovery slows down, while ethical compliance hits a 3-year low
China sourcing exceeds pre-pandemic levels, but further growth may be stalled by virus resurgence.
Q2 2021 Barometer: As Businesses Look To Leave ‘Crisis Mode’ Behind, Diversification Continues While Ethical Compliance and Quality Take a Hit
QIMA inspection, audit and survey data collected in the first quarter of 2021 highlights the desire to diversify global supply chains.
Q1 2021 Barometer: 2020 in Review: Global Trade COVID Disruption Reveals Changes in Consumption Habits and Rampant Ethical Risks, as China Sourcing Beats the Odds
Almost a year into the COVID-19 crisis, uncertainty and disruption continue dominating global trade.
Q4 2020 Barometer: Global Trade Sees Asia's Manufacturing Powerhouses Begin to Rally Following Rebounding Demand in the West
Despite the fairly apocalyptic outlook that prevailed earlier in the year, sourcing insights for Q3 suggest that the crash of global trade in 2020 may ultimately be less dramatic than predicted.
COVID-19 Impact: China Sourcing Suggests W-Shaped Recovery While Manufacturing Struggles in Rest of Asia
Throughout Q2 2020, global supply chains have remained in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns are triggering dramatic yet erratic drops in demand and supply.
Q2 2020 Barometer: COVID-19 Impact: After a Brief Post-Lockdown Rebound, Sourcing from China Plummets 19% in Late March
Q1 2020 has been by far the most turbulent quarter since QIMA started analyzing trends in global sourcing, quality and compliance in 2012.
Q1 2020 Barometer: 2019 in Review – China Sourcing Volumes Drop for First Time Ever, While Quality and Sourcing Ethics Suffer in Emerging Regions
While the promise of a US-China trade deal may have brought some welcome optimism to the holiday season, the changes wrought on global trade by the trade wars of 2019 will linger.
QIMA Q4 Barometer: Quality and Sourcing Ethics Take a Hit as US Businesses Accelerate their Retreat from China
Last quarter, in a QIMA survey of 150+ global businesses in all major consumer segments...
QIMA Q3 2019 Barometer: Trade War: US Demand for China-based Inspections Drops by -13% as Other Regions Reap Benefits
Despite new US-China tariff hikes being on hold, the continuing shifting of US sourcing away from China underscores the lingering uncertainty faced by American businesses...
Q2 2019 Barometer: Safety Concerns Keep Growing as Manufacturing Competition Rages in Asia
Global sourcing in the first quarter of 2019 is still largely shaped by the fallout of 2018, in which US-China trade wars shook up the global sourcing landscape and drove many...
Q1 2019 Barometer: A Look Back at Global Sourcing in 2018: Trade Wars, Diversification, Sustainability Challenges
Between the US-China tariff stand-off and the increasing consumer and governments’ scrutiny on sustainability issues, 2018 proved a challenging year for global sourcing...
Q4 2018 Barometer: Are Supply Chain Ethics Becoming a Casualty of the Trade Wars?
As Asia’s manufacturing hubs are ramping up production for the upcoming holiday season, this quarter’s barometer paints a picture of increasingly diversified global sourcing and...
Q3 2018 Barometer: Ethical, Environmental Concerns Run High in Global Supply Chains
While concerns about international trade tensions abound halfway into 2018, QIMA's latest data on quality inspection and supplier audit demand offers some perspective on the shape...
Q2 2018 Barometer: China Unfazed by Global Trade Stand-Off, Supply Chains Face New Ethical Concerns
As manufacturing picks up in Asia’s sourcing hubs following the Chinese New Year break, QIMA's Q1 statistics for inspection and audit demand reflect the emerging sourcing trends...
QIMA Q1 Barometer: What Does 2018 Hold for Global Supply Chains
QIMA's 2018 Q1 Barometer offers a collection of unique insights on the state of sourcing, quality and compliance in 2017, as well as the trends that will shape the sourcing...
QIMA Q4 Barometer: Manufacturing Peak Season Brings New Quality and Ethical Challenges
As the holidays approach and manufacturing peak season has started in sourcing powerhouses throughout Asia, QIMA data on inspection and audit demand reflects the overall trends in ...
QIMA Q3 Barometer: Quality, Safety, Ethics: Supply Chains Still Struggle in 2017
Halfway through 2017, QIMA's onsite inspection and supplier audit statistics paint a picture of the ongoing struggle between old-school sourcing giants and their up-and-coming...
QIMA Q2 Barometer: 2017 Brings Product Quality Issues and Ethical Challenges
QIMA's Q1 figures for inspection and audit demand are a reflection of the sourcing trends that will continue shaping global trade throughout the rest of 2017. The first quarter of...
QIMA Q1 Barometer: 2016 in Review: Worrying Trends for Quality and Compliance across Global Supply Chains
QIMA 2016 audits and inspection demand gives an indication of the attractiveness of each sourcing regions for global brands and buyers. Read more in QIMA's Q1 barometer...
QIMA Q4 Barometer: China Growth Stabilizing as Exploding Batteries and Factory Fires Plague Supply Chains
QIMA data for Q3 2016 in China shows increased audit and inspection demand, at +12.6% compared to Q3 2015, consistent with the economic rebound China has displayed recently...
QIMA Q3 Barometer: Asia Pacific Unfazed by Global Trade Uncertainty, Apparel Supply Chains Struggle with Responsible Sourcing
Q2 2016 brings a lot of uncertainty to global trade, but China and Asia Pacific appear unfazed. Meanwhile, global apparel supply chains still struggle with safety and unethical lab...
QIMA Q2 Barometer: New Trade Directions Emerge, While Forced Labor and Structural Risks Plague Global Supply Chains
The year 2016 begins with shifts in global trade, ongoing quality issues, and a host of ethical challenges: from structural risks accompanying expansion in Egypt, Bangladesh, and...
QIMA Q1 Barometer: 2015 Ends with Exploding Hoverboards and Growing Ethical Concerns
China still in the spotlight for product safety, ethical issues abound in new sourcing regions and environmental impact is moving up the supply chain priority list.
QIMA Q4 Barometer: CSR, it's Becoming Harder to Hide. China Growth Hits New Low
China's new Food Safety Law introduces harsher standards and punishments and Bangladeshi prosecutors bring murder charges against the owners of Rana Plaza and the Tazreen factory.
QIMA Q3 Barometer: Southeast Asia Sees Staggering Growth, Food Violations Continue
While the economy of China may be growing at its slowest pace in six years, global brands are readily expanding their supply chains to other low-cost destinations in Asia...
QIMA Q2 Barometer: 68 Million Children Forced to Work, Death at Work Every 15 Seconds
The ILO published that every 15 seconds someone dies as a result of an occupational accident or disease. Congruent with what seems to be a sharp rise in global awareness on ethical...
QIMA Q1 Barometer: Cheap Labor Came at a High Price in 2014
Increased global supply chain transparency in 2014 revealed shocking statistics on the number of forced and child laborers worldwide, while workers across Asia faced consistently...

Further Reading

Guide to REACH:

Common REACH Concerns: