

Reverse engineering, soldering, programming, digital forensics and random stuff | Principal Security Researcher @ Kaspersky, GReAT | Tweets are my own

Připojil se srpen 2018


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  1. 29. 8.

    Vim + (ccls + pylsp) + ALE is plain awesome. Finally, it acts as a decent IDE.

  2. 29. 8.

    SeekThermal Compact is such a cool and useful geek toy. And (ahem) affordable compared to "professional" thermal cameras.

  3. 22. 8.

    Seems that vim+LSP servers is a thing. Do you use it? With ALE? Anything else?

  4. 20. 8.
  5. 31. 7.

    Who needs a warranty when you got a soldering station? Just replaced a power button for my Pocketbook and it works again!

  6. 19. 7.

    These official attribution documents are quite boring, but a picture of a koala next to Trump made me smile.

  7. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    9. 7.

    Reverse engineering malware is a skill that can take your malware analysis to the next level. Join experts from Kaspersky GReAT and Igor Skochinsky from HexRays as they walk through decompiling, deobfuscating and much more. Learn more & watch ⇒

  8. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    7. 7.

    The problem with “I use tool X to take care of low-hanging fruits” is NOT that it would make you a script kiddy. The problem is that you don’t know exactly what it does, so you don’t know if it really checked the low-hanging issues - and you still have to check by hand…

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  9. 2. 7.

    Made a few updates to my evtx parser. Available for all major platforms.

  10. 22. 6.

    ZFS basically killed some of my files it deemed corrupted.. due to a RAM failure. That's a lot of harm for a single flipped bit.

  11. 17. 6.

    The website had red flags all around - asking for the name, CC number, the 2FA SMS code, but it got through the ad checks, if there were any (are there?)

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  12. 17. 6.

    Just experienced a brave new world of phishing in ads. Beware.

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  13. 7. 6.

    Quick and dirty lzo1x/y/z_decompress binding for Python3:

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  14. 7. 6.

    While switching from C++ to Python for my malware decoders, I discovered that there is no sane open source binding for the lzo library that includes lzo1z. Had to make one myself.

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  15. 20. 5.

    This new support for Golang stuff in IDA is nice. The code still looks terribly ugly, though - because it is. Reminds me of the times when Delphi malware roamed the world.

  16. 13. 5.

    It's 2021 and Bitcoin is still inefficient, slow and expensive. Something is wrong here.

  17. 21. 4.

    IDAPython3 (7.5/7.6) crash in WineHQ can be fixed by NOPping a single call to FreeLibrary()

  18. 20. 4.

    Vanilla Ubuntu is booting to a black screen after a forced shutdown.. on a second PC already, what is wrong with this OS?

  19. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    19. 4.

    Ingenuity runs Linux (first time on Mars!) & uses a 2.26 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor. It will fail periodically due to radiation. Solution: use a radiation-tolerant FPGA to keep an eye on the CPU & restart before/while falling out of the sky.

  20. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    30. 3.

    '90s hackers in 2021

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