We’ve all been there: you’re working on a project when inspiration hits. But your fingers can’t type as fast as the ideas are flowing, or worse, you can’t find the right words to convey the details of your latest brain blast. All too often, virtual collaboration can lead to watered-down work after rounds of remote, written feedback and “Is this what you meant?” DMs. That’s why Vimeo has teamed up with Figma, the digital design tool we use every day, to bring in-the-moment creativity back to your collaborative process. 

By pairing FigJam (Figma’s online whiteboard) and Figma (their end-to-end UI and product design platform) with our video recording tool Vimeo Record, we’re enabling teams to bring that electric IRL energy to your virtual spaces. 

With the new Vimeo Record Plugin, you can now record your screen, webcam, or both directly from the files you’re collaborating on in Figma and FigJam. This means that you can spend less time typing out your feedback, and more time capturing ideas right as inspiration strikes. No more contextless review cycles or confusing comments — just genuine thoughts (and enthusiasm!) from the humans you join forces with every day. 

To leave live feedback in FigJam, simply record your comments in the file of your choice, then watch your video preview unfurl alongside your work. When working on a project in Figma Design, you can embed your video as a thumbnail directly onto the Figma canvas. Your collaborators can then watch your comments, ideas, or accolades via simple playback within your whiteboard or canvas. 

Here’s how your team can use Vimeo Record to work better together:

  • Project onboarding: Record a short welcome video to review goals, progress, and next steps so new team members can get up to speed quickly without the need for another meeting or lengthy email.
  • Design feedback: Highlight specific visual elements while narrating your feedback to keep your ideas in context.
  • Async ideation: Share your spur-of-the-moment ideas to add more engaging context to your projects — then let your team watch and respond with comments when it’s convenient for them.

Ready for a more enlightened way of collaborating? Install the Vimeo Record plugin for Figma and FigJam today.

Install the Vimeo Record Plugin