Just as a book cover is crucial for encouraging people to read it, a compelling webinar invitation is critical for getting people to register for an event.

Sure, hosting webinars and virtual events comes with a bunch of benefits – brand awareness, audience engagement, authority building, and more.

But achieving those goals is only possible when your webinar invitation email generates excitement and encourages people to sign up.

So in this guide, we share tips for high-converting webinar emails, how to build an email sequence, and 20 webinar invitation examples to help you get more folks to your next event.

Webinar invitation tips

First, let’s kick things off by sharing some tips on how to create a webinar invitation email that drives webinar registrations. After that, we’ll walk through example emails so you can see how other organizations are putting all the theory into action.

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Here’s the secret to creating high-converting webinar emails:

Write for your audience

To start, revisit your audience persona for a clear idea of their struggles and the language they use.

Knowing your audience inside out helps you write for them. Knowing your audience will also help dictate how you create webinar catered to their needs. Based on their pain points, you can easily capture the benefits of attending your event by framing it as a solution to their struggles.

And strive to err on the side of authenticity rather than formality. Knowing the language your audience uses will help you craft a relevant invite to grab their attention. For example, if you’re targeting millennials, you can easily throw in pop culture references to connect with them. The result? Your webinar invitation email resonates with its readers so they’re more likely to learn more and register.

Focus on attendee benefit

Whenever a webinar invitation pops up into your inbox, you’ve likely asked the question: ‘what’s in it for me?’ 

Your job as a webinar or event planner? Answer the question right away.

Explain exactly how an attendee can benefit from your webinar presentation within the first lines of copy. Will they learn lesser-known copywriting formulas? Will they get a chance to win a premium subscription to your service?

It’s also important to mention here that you don’t focus heavily on talking about yourself or your webinar. Here’s an example:

❌ We’ll focus on building authority with content marketing in this webinar.
✔ Learn how to build authority with content marketing in this webinar.

Show off your speaker panel

Do you have subject matter experts joining the virtual event? Cool, talk about them in your invite. Why? Because part of the benefits your webinar offers attendees is the lure of learning from the pros. Show 👏 it 👏 off. 👏

Display the names and titles of your presenters prominently in the email to encourage folks to attend your event. Remember to share:

  • A quick intro of your presenters.
  • Why they’re a good fit for the event.
  • What they’ll teach.

Personalize your email

Personalizing your webinar email not only encourages people to open your email but also to sign up for the event.

The simplest way to personalize emails? Addressing recipients with their names. This way, you talk to them directly.

You can also segment your list and send the invite to only those who have been actively opening your emails.Another tip to personalize emails: send them out when your audience is most active. This means sharing them on Tuesdays around late morning (10 am) will likely get the most opens.

Use catchy webinar email subject lines

Subject lines are among the first things someone sees as an email hits their inbox.

To make it worth their attention, keep the subject line direct and short instead of trying something clever.Plus, work in some power words to drive action. You can share a deadline to act fast.

Trigger FOMO

Done well, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) can help you create an attendee-attracting webinar email magnet.

So how do you trigger FOMO the right way? A couple of things help:

  • Use as little of it as possible. This keeps FOMO real. If every other webinar you host is a must-attend session, people are going to turn a blind eye to them.
  • Trigger FOMO with the right copy. Use words like ‘once in a lifetime,’ ‘exclusive,’ ‘rare.’
  • Use urgency by sharing the last date to sign up or tell readers how spaces are filling up quickly.

On a side note, to keep people coming back to attend more of your events and take you for your FOMO word, be sure to pack your event with the value you promise.

Create a trailer

Consider using a video trailer to capture all the exciting details surrounding your webinar or event. Focus on teasing out the most important message and include a highlight reel from past events, speakers, or benefits registrants should expect from signing up. Below are three examples of webinar trailers you can create and link into you webinar invitation.

Conference Trailer

If your event or webinar includes multiple speakers, topics, or sessions be sure to highlight them all in your trailer.

Event Registration is Open Trailer

A quick way to generate buzz around your webinar or event is a teaser video featuring you event title and a link to your webinar or registration form.

Design Conference Trailer

Use this trailer template to highlight the content, speakers, and engagement opportunities at your next webinar or event.

Incentivize people to join

Giveaways, surprise gifts, exclusive opportunities to learn from the experts are just some ideas for incentives you can offer people to join.

Telling invitees they’ll get the chance to ask their burning questions is also a great incentive.

But how effective an incentive is depends on your audience and what matters to them. For example, a beginner-level audience will always be more attracted to a live Q&A session than a nifty one. So if you aren’t sure what to offer, go back to the drawing board to study your audience.

Write personality-rich email copy

A personality-rich webinar email breaks the formality barrier in the invite.

People are attracted to people. They’d rather respond to an email that talks to them than one that does a formal job at listing out the venue and speakers.

So what makes an invitation email conversational? It’s tone and voice. In other words, the way it’s written. Here are some top tips to follow:

  • Write to a friend or acquaintance. Before drafting your email copy, think about how you’d invite your friend. Then write like you’re inviting them to remove the stiffness from your invitation.
  • Use emojis. These are friendly, fun, and help reinforce your message. For example, adding a 🚀 emoji when you say “leveling up” makes the message more impactful. When using emojis though, remember: less is more.
  • Spell to reflect your personality. Excited about the event? Write to show people you’re excited by saying “wayy excited to meet you.”
  • Format to emphasize. Bold a key pointer. Or, share thoughts by italicizing them. It breaks the monotony of the copy to capture attention. Like with using emojis though, less is more here as well.

Embed a video

Video email is on the rise. Adding a gif or video to your email can boost click-through rates by 65% — a pleasant surprise considering the average email click rate is around 2.69%.

But what kind of video should you add to your webinar invitation? Some ideas:

  • An invitation video featuring you asking them to join
  • A clip from a successful past webinar event
  • A behind-the-scenes gif of the workings of the event

Use the community-building approach

If your business is community-centered, this tip will help.

Essentially, it works because it makes people feel a part of a group. This, in turn, makes them feel valued.

To put this into practice, consider sharing the backstory. Perhaps you polled your community and they shared they’d like to learn about X? Or, you’ve previously done a similar event but want to package it with more value – as in the case with the AnswerThePublic webinar we share below.

Whatever the case, share why you’re putting together the event. Then, dive into the benefits of attending it.

If you’ve previously hosted these events, go ahead and share social proof to earn new email recipients’ trust. Here are three ideas of social proof you can package into your webinar invitation email:

  • The number of attendees who joined your past session(s).
  • Testimonials from past attendees. These could be their words or tweets/posts they’ve shared on social media.

Pictures of attendees. This works when you’ve networked after the event and taken pictures of calls with attendees.

Make the webinar email easy to read

Most people skim-read emails. Others scan the copy for key pointers. That’s just how people read online.

Now, to share the most important details and get people to read most of your email, format for readability. This means you:

  • Use bullet points to break information down. Example: information on speakers or the perks of attending the events.
  • Add short subheadings. Example: discuss details like the events’ timings using subheadings like ‘when.’
  • Include visuals to break text monotony. Example: Speakers’ headshots or graphics on different sessions.

5 tips to write catchy webinar subject lines

An important ingredient to a winning webinar invite is the subject line. After all, subject lines ensure your invitation email gets opened in the first place.

So what sort of webinar subject lines drive email opens? Keep the following in mind:

1. The shorter the subject line the better

41.9% of all opened emails come from mobile devices. Additionally, 75% of Gmail users use mobile to access their emails, making the case for both mobile-optimized emails and shorter subject lines (50 characters or fewer).

2. Personalizing subject lines is key

Adding a recipient’s name to the subject line increases the open rate by 18.30%. You can also walk the extra mile and personalize based on recipient’s interests by segmenting your email list.

3. Familiarity and urgency can help drive action

Recipients are more likely to open your emails if you send it with the same name that you’ve been using to send other emails. Because familiarity breeds trust, which encourages action.

On the other hand, communicating a start date or sharing that there are only limited seats available creates urgency. This, in turn, promotes action.

4. Action verbs and power words hook readers

Both verbs and power words can hook readers and are psychologically proven to elicit responses. Action verbs, for example, give clear instructions on what to do.

So don’t shy away from using verbs like “register,” “tune in,” and “watch.” A few power words to try include “extraordinary,” “tricks,” “double,” “latest,” and “hack.”

5. Asking questions drives action

According to psychology, asking questions prompts people to reply with an answer. Hence, by using this tactic — even by asking hypothetical questions — in your webinar subject lines, you can easily get recipients’ attention.

5 webinar subject lines examples

Now that we’ve laid out the theory, let’s look at it in action by reviewing some of the best webinar subject lines.

1. Question-based webinar subject line

The subject line example from AIGA reads “Can we practice design without harming the planet?”

It’s a thought-provoking question. So not only does it get its recipients’ attention, but wondering about its answer makes people curious, encouraging them to read the email.

2. “You’re invited” webinar subject line

Of all the webinar subject lines that we’ve reviewed, these three words seems to be pretty common. And rightly so because they’re direct — setting the message clear.

For instance, Slack’s invite to their conference read: “You’re Invited: Frontiers by Slack – our best (and first) ever conference.”

3. “Join us” webinar invite subject line

“Join us” are two more common words used in webinar invitation emails. These are action verbs, which explains why they’re so effective. Webflow’s subject line for their conference invite uses them: “Join us for No Code Conf this November.”

4. “Mark your calendar” webinar subject line

This type of a subject line for webinar invitation emails works because it builds anticipation. Recipients click open emails to see what needs time blocking.

You can always use “mark your calendar” with a few more words such as “mark your calendar for [event name],” or simply use these three words as Litmus did. The subject line read — you guessed it — “Mark your calendar.”

5. “X spots left” webinar subject line

Lastly, this is an example of a subject line driving FOMO (fear of missing out) to encourage action. Wildest email subject line, for example, read “Just 52 spots left!”

You can try something similar. Or experiment with phrases like “Seats selling like hot cakes,” or “limited spots only.”

How to build a webinar email sequence

No matter how good your webinar invitation is, it’s hardly going to be effective without a holistic webinar email cadence.

So it’s essential to create a webinar email sequence as it helps you:

  • Inform attendees about their successful registration to your webinar and to share their log in details.  
  • Build hype and keep registrants updated. Share more about the event, speakers, or giveaways that you’ve planned.
  • Remind attendees of the session date. This is important to encourage folks to attend live.

Take Miro’s invite to their event, Distributed, for example.

Example email sequence from Miro/s Distributed event

Source: Miro Distributed 2021

One someone registers, they send a confirmation email:

Example of Miro's Distributed event confirmation email

Source: Miro Distributed 2021

The email copy here is short and to the point. The CTA button is also clear, leaving no room for confusion.

It’s also important you send an email announcing the webinar’s beginning. For the Facebook Developer Conference, for example, the social media giant sent this email to alert attendees of their event’s start:

Example email from Facebook Developer Conference

Source: F8 Developer Conference

Have multiple sessions planned for the day? Send an email like this one from Thinkific with clear session details and CTA buttons:

Example event email with multiple sessions from Thinkific

Source: Thinkific

Once the webinar is finished, it’s important you send out the recording that you promised.

Example of a post-webinar email with the on- demand recording

Source: Sparkpost

How to build a webinar email sequence with Vimeo

Convinced building a webinar invitation email sequence is a must? You can easily start automating your email sequence while building out your webinar or event.

This ensures you don’t miss any email in the sequence — be it a webinar confirmation email, a reminder email, or a post-event follow up email.

If you’re using Vimeo Events to host your webinar or event, our platform can help automate three emails.

Find the option to automate emails on the right side of your webinar management page. By hitting Emails here, you’ll see the option to send three types of emails:

  • Confirmation email. Sent after the viewer registers.
  • Reminder email. Sent the day before your event’s date.
  • Follow up email. Sent after you click Complete event on your webinar management page.

Vimeo’s automation also offers branding control like adding your logo to customize the email sequence to match your brand’s visual identity. For example, if you use a signature color for your CTA button, you can easily choose that for your automated emails. 

20 examples of webinar invitations that work

All the examples we’ve packed in here are winners for several reasons. So with each webinar email example, we’ve added a ‘what’s working’ section to highlight the key pointers.

1. WordPress’s second annual Growth Summit invite

Webinar invitation example from WordPress Growth Summit event in 2021.

Source: WordPress Growth Summit

What’s working:

  • Addresses who they’re talking to (creators, small businesses, and publishers).
  • Dives straight into what their event offers; making it about their readers.
  • Identifies the ‘when’ and ‘who’ in bullets to make it easy to scan the email.

2. Streameo workshop invite

Webinar invitation example from Vimeo's Streameo event.

Source: Vimeo Streameo

What’s working:

  • Fun and direct email subject line. “Hot off the presses! New Streameo workshops are here” tells readers the event is freshly planned and worth attending.
  • Features speaker faces in the header to win attendees. Plus, we don’t just share faces – we answer three important questions too: ‘who’ the person in the headshot is, ‘why’ they’re a fit by sharing where they work, and ‘what’ they’d teach.
  • Encourages people to take action by showing what’s involved. The invitation email example is also packed with power words like “Get ready for insightful panels, giveaways, and a few surprises” and “learn more about these 15-minute workshops you don’t want to miss.” The latter does a pretty good job at setting expectations. Readers can tell they’d need to join small sessions which won’t take much of their time.

3. Splash’s Post-Pandemic Events Strategy

Webinar invitation example from Splashthat.

Source: Splash Post Pandemic Events

What’s working:

  • Personalized message. The email starts with the recipient’s name, which is a great way to get attention.
  • It sets the stage in the first line then triggers FOMO. The following words work this magic:

Context-setting: “For the first time in over a year, the idea of returning to in-person events actually seems possible.”

Triggers FOMO (underlined): “And with the majority of events pros expecting this comeback before the end of 2021, there’s little time to spare.”

  • Like any high sign ups-driving webinar invite, this one also sets clear expectations. It answers ‘what’s in it for me’ in bullet points, summarizing what’s involved.
  • For good measure, the Splash team throws in an incentive at the end. It reads: “Attend live for a chance to win a Return to In-Person Events Package.

P.S. It’s always a useful idea to tell your audience they’ll get a recording. This is an incentive in itself as interested folks have the assurance that they can get the most from the webinar even if they miss it.

4. LearnWorlds workshop on Email Marketing for Course Creators

Webinar invitation example from LearnWorlds.

Source: LearnWorlds Email Marketing for Course Creators

What’s working:

  • The email uses emojis. This humanizes the copy, making it fun and making your message impactful. Example: the money sign in the subject leaves a ‘sell more, earn more’ impression.
  • It gets straight to what they’re offering by starting with “Registrations are open to our newest workshop…”
  • There are two action buttons in the email with one of them under the first invite call at the start – instantly after LearnWorlds makes their offer.
  • Again, there’s a solid incentive to increase attendance. Note the following words:

“We will be sharing email templates you can copy-paste and start selling immediately, written by expert copywriters and inspired by some of the top course sellers!”

5. AnswerThePublic’s webinar invite

Webinar invitation example from Answer The Public.

Source: Answer The Public

What’s working:

  • Direct subject line. Since their audience knows they host regular webinars, they use brackets to share their email as a webinar invite and include the topic next.
  • AnswerThePublic takes a community-first approach. Their copy reflects the same, making readers feel valued and welcomed. Look at these lines: “Our next free webinar is coming up and we’d love you to be there.”
  • The email spotlights the webinar’s title. The best part? The title is intriguing. Divided into two parts, the title shares the topic first (“an intro to Search Listening”) and highlights the benefit next (“Learn how to read people’s minds and make better business decisions”).
  • The email shares the backstory as well. It works pretty well with the community approach since most people are following along.

6. Bozoma Saint John’s The Badass Workshop invite

Webinar invitation email from The Badass Workshop.

Source: The Badass Workshop

What’s working:

  • It uses its audience’s language. In fact, that’s pretty evident by the name of the workshop.
  • The copy has a voice with “So let’s goooooo!!” showcasing personality and excitement.
  • It includes a video to talk about the workshop – an effective way to share what the event covers while showing personality to connect with the audience.

7. Hubspot Inbound 2021 Invite

Webinar invitation email from Hubspot Inbound.

Source: Inbound

What’s working:

  • The personalized invite addresses the what, when, and who it is for in a digestible manner. One look and the reader gets all the info they need.
  • The email delivers well-crafted FOMO by presenting one of the event’s marquee speakers, his background, and alludes to other valuable insights you can get with an event registration.
  • The email copy is conversational and witty.
  • The CTA copy is brilliant – thanks to how it focuses on a little humor “The free Starter Pass will get you access to David Chang and many other courses (get it?) at the event this October. Secure yours!”

8. Zendesk’s CX event

Webinar invitation email example from Zendesk.

Source: Zendesk’s The digital tipping point

What’s working:

  • It uses the power word “free” in the subject line. This pushes people to take action.
  • The subject line also works because it leverages the name of an industry-known business to attract its audience. “How Vimeo is creating a more connected world with technology and customer service?”

The “how” in the title also indicates attendees will learn a proven process that’s working for someone else. Such actionable content attracts registrations.

  • The email also takes a different approach by using statistics to set the context. This is an effective tactic for businesses whose audience is best convinced by research and data.

9. Ellevest’s weekly workshops

Webinar invitation example from Ellevest featuring topic focused classes in a easy-to-read format.

Source: Ellevest

What’s working:

  • The email gets straight to the point – informing readers about their workshop line-up and asking them to sign up for ones that interest them.
  • All workshops are topic-focused, very specific so people can get a masterclass on the broad topic in one week simply by taking out some time daily.
  • All workshops are listed in a reader-friendly format. Each point shares what the session will talk about or how it’s structured (words like “virtual Q&A event” help with this). The day and time, on the other hand, are shared in bold to differentiate them from the rest of the text.

10. Fairygodboss’s virtual event invite

Webinar invitation example from Fairygodboss with great graphics and a clear CTA.

Source: Fairygodboss

What’s working:

  • The visual nature of this webinar invitation email makes it an example to look up to. Each session is shared using a visually appealing graphic that features the date and time. It’s then paired with a short copy on the right side that answers any remaining questions an interested reader may have, for example, who the session is for.
  • Easy to click, clear CTA buttons for each session. This makes registration friction-free, therefore, simple.

11. Asana’s Focus and Flow Summit email invite

Webinar invitation example from Asana that focuses on well crafted copy that targets their audience.

Source: Asana Focus and Flow

What’s working:

  • The opening lines tap into storytelling to create a relatable scene for readers. The lines are focused on the pain point itself to position the summit as a solution to the problem.
  • It’s formatted for easy reading (uses bullet points) and important points are bold such as the event timing.

12. Adweek’s webinar invitation

Source: AdWeek

What’s working:

  • The email invite gets its audience’s attention with a thought-provoking question: “What If Consumers Don’t Want Personalized Experiences?” Then adds a subheading “A Framework for Better Targeting” that clearly explains what the webinar will cover.
  • By highlighting a marketing dilemma, the email does an excellent job providing context around the webinar’s topic. When building your own email copy make sure you take stock of your audience’s key pain points to decide what to cover in your webinar and how to frame your email copy.
  • The email also clearly spells out what attendees will learn, answering the “what’s in it for me” question.

13. Substack’s virtual tour invite

Substack Tour email invite example

Source: Substack

What’s working:

  • The invite takes a community approach — carefully positioning Substack as the connector bringing writers together.
  • It features two “join us” CTAs that are strategically positioned. The first one comes right after briefly describing what the event is about. It’s great for those who’ve been participating in Substack’s community events and ready to join right away. The second CTA comes at the end, after the email makes a convincing case for why to join. It’s for those not convinced right away.
  • The email features both a mini-case study (look at what it reveals about other writers connecting with each other through Substack’s efforts) and social proof. They share the latter by adding a quote from one of their creators connected with other writers.
  • It also clearly breaks down the different events that are part of the tour using readable bullet points and custom graphics.

14. Shopify’s invite to its online event, Commerce+

Example invite email from Shopify's Commerce+ event

Source: Shopify Commerce+

What’s working:

  • It’s succinct and clearly lays out who attendees will be learning from. In doing so, the email smartly highlights the benefits of joining (learn from “the brands that are pushing the boundaries of commerce.”)
  • The email is formatted for readability. This is evident from the sentence and paragraph length. To add, the most important details (the date and time) are shared in bold and in slightly bigger font than the rest of the copy.
  • CTA button is distinct, and copy is simple. This makes joining straightforward.

15. Impossible Foods’ food trends webinar

Impossible Foods email invite example

Source: Impossible Foods

What’s working:

  • The email’s opening is attention-grabbing — thanks to the mind-blowing stat it shares as a question.
  • It’s short and clearly points out who’s talking and what they’re talking about, triggering its niche audience’s interest. Although this answers the benefit of joining, the invite copy goes a step further to outline other benefits of joining the webinar in the last line.

16. Teachable’s invite to its online coaching challenge

Teachable email invite for online coaching challenge

Source: Teachable

What’s working:

  • This straightforward invite begins with a clear announcement, “The Online Coaching Challenge is on.” Then shares the event’s dates.
  • The email clearly sets expectations sharing exactly how attendees’ can grow their business with coaching.
  • Most of all, the invitation is very easy to read and digest. Both the CTA copy and button are clear, too.

17. Havenly’s festive workshop invite

Havenly workshop email invite example

Source: Havenly

What’s working:

  • The invite sets the scene by spotlighting the collaborators’ names in the header and pairing them with an enticing picture of a holiday meal.
  • The email copy asks questions around its audience’s struggles (winning over in-laws, for example). This makes the invite relevant to it readers. It then answers those questions by sharing how Havenly can help in collaboration with an expert.
  • To top it all, this email invitation wins because it shares incentive to join — the chance to win a design package and a gift certificate.
  • The CTA is simple. But what makes it unique is the way it triggers FOMO by pointing out “space is limited.”

18. Willo’s happy hour invitation

Willo's Virtual Happy Hour Email invite example

Source: Willo

What’s working:

  • The invite is easy to read and direct. It starts with what the event is about “Live streaming from New York” followed by sharing the time and venue next.
  • It also clearly answers the perks of joining and dangles an incentive too (win a free Willo).
  • It also effectively introduces event speakers clearly using images and their job titles, therefore, creating hype around the event.

19. Managing Editor’s one-day conference invitation

Managin Editor conference email invite

Source: Managing Editor Live

What’s working:

  • This webinar invitation wins because it takes a community-led approach by giving people the opportunity to network — all while triggering FOMO. It does so by using the words “exclusive event,” and “don’t miss.”
  • It talks straight with its audience and also makes sure they feel special. The subtext “Exclusive Event for Content Marketers” tells exactly who the email is addressing to. And the “psst! It’s you” comment in the copy makes readers feel included and valued.
  • The email gives a bulleted list of what the conference will cover, which explains what attendees will learn. Plus, it shares a link to get on the fence folks to explore the sessions further.

20. Really Good Email’s invite to its annual event

Really Good Emails Unspam event invite

Source: Really Good Email Unspam

What’s working:

  • The personalized ticket with the recipient’s name makes this invitation email a stellar example. It’s unique, direct, and makes the reader feel like the brand’s walked an extra mile for them.
  • RGE’s email shows a lot of personality by using its distinct brand voice that its community is fond of. The CTA copy is written in the same voice.
  • The P.S. text instills FOMO — encouraging people to act soon by giving away a discount to the first 30 ticket buyers.

Webinar invitation FAQ

What is a webinar invitation?

A webinar invitation is a email, video, or other communication sent to your audience informing them of an upcoming webinar. The goal of a webinar invitation is to drive registrations and attendance.

How do I write a webinar invitation?

If you’re looking to craft your next webinar invitation, we’ve got a few tips to make sure you reach your registration goals:

  1. Write for your audience
  2. Focus on attendee benefit
  3. Show off your speaker panel
  4. Personalize your email
  5. Use catchy webinar email subject lines
  6. Trigger FOMO
  7. Incentivize people to join
  8. Lean on your brand’s voice for copy
  9. Embed a video
  10. Use the community-building approach
  11. Make sure the webinar email easy to read

Write high-converting webinar invitations

So what are you waiting for? With the blueprint to writing the perfect webinar email and a list of examples by your side, you’ve got everything it takes to craft the perfect event invite today. 🙌

Learn more about video marketing with Vimeo

Originally published on September 9, 2021 and updated May 20, 2022 by Masooma Memon.