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How It Works

DiveWire by Industry Dive puts your press release in front of thousands of business decision makers who follow Industry Dive’s award-winning business news publications. Select from our 25+ targeted B2B publications to find the right audience. Only $279.

Full access to your release for edits

Maintain control of your narrative with the ability to edit or remove your press release at any time.

Easily discoverable

Since our publications typically rank in the #1 result for top industry news terms, your news will be easily discoverable.

Share company announcements

Share news as it happens. From new hires to product launches to crisis communication - your news will be seen the moment you hit publish.

Guaranteed exposure

Each time you post, your headline will be featured across the site for 21 days and promoted in the newsletter to our engaged lists of subscribers.

Designed to get attention

All press releases appear on professionally designed landing pages. Add your company’s logo and a header image at no additional cost.

Targeted B2B audiences

Gain access to decision-makers in a particular industry. Our subscribers opt-in to receive news - from peer companies like yours -directly to their inbox.

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