Man walks past derelict building in snow

Emergency Appeal for Ukraine

Since conflict began in 2014, NGO People in Need has been working in solidarity with Ukrainian people, supporting civil society and providing humanitarian assistance to those most in need. We urgently need your support to continue our work, especially with the elderly, people living with disabilities and families with young children. 

Since the full-scale invasion began People In Need has sent thousands of sleeping bags, high-energy and canned food, nappies and sanitary pads as well as medical trauma kits into Ukraine. We work with local municipalities and financially support Ukrainian civil society organisations, we have teams in Ukraine and on the borders in Moldova, Romania and Slovakia.

If you can, please donate on our JustGiving page

For updates on our operations please visit our Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn pages.

Prior to this, our main operations were in Eastern Ukraine, where we have been providing food, water, shelter and financial assistance.

ABOUT People in need

People in Need (PIN) provides immediate humanitarian aid to help people in areas of conflict get back on their feet. PIN operates in 30+ countries, working in solidarity with the poorest and most vulnerable and supporting human rights activists. 

PIN was founded by a student leader of the Velvet Revolution, when the people of Prague and the Czech Republic led a peaceful revolution against the Russian occupation. PIN was established in 1992 by a group of Czech war correspondents who were no longer satisfied with merely relaying information about ongoing conflicts and began sending out aid. It gradually became established as a professional humanitarian organization striving to provide aid in troubled regions and support adherence to human rights around the world.

Throughout the 25 years of its existence, People in Need has become one of the biggest non-profit organizations in Central Europe. In addition to humanitarian aid and human rights, it developed technical expertise to support national civil society and governments create systemic solutions to topics such as economic recovery and climate resilience.

PIN UK was established in 2018 and is a centre of technical expertise in international development and humanitarian response. We work in partnership with PIN’s long-established international Country Programmes and other civil society organisations as well as research institutes and governmental organisations.

Our goals

Our work is defined by four goals:

Save lives and protect dignity: Save lives, mitigate suffering and maintain dignity of people affected by natural disasters and conflicts.

Empower people: Support people’s abilities and efforts to improve their lives and their communities, in accordance with the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Ensure equal opportunities: Fight against the root causes of inequality or injustice.

Support sustainable living: Promote sustainable development that keeps our planet healthy for future generations.


Please do get in touch! If you would like to hear more about our work or are interested in partnering, please contact [email protected]

For more information about People in Need global work please visit

Governance & financial statements

PIN UK is governed and regulated by our Trustees. All our trustees are drawn from diverse backgrounds and bring a range of experience and skills to board deliberations. There are clear distinctions between the role of the board and the management of PIN UK to which day to day management is delegated. One our our Trustees is Simon Pánek, the CEO of the international NGO People In Need. People In Need's annual reports and financial statements are available here. PIN UK's annual reports and financial statements are available here

CHarity registration

PIN UK is a registered Charity with the Charity Commission of England and Wales (reg. 1181344). Registered address is 49-51 East Road, London, N1 6AH.

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News from Ukraine
