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I Smell a RAT! New Cybersecurity Threats for the Crypto Industry
David Trepp, Partner, IT Assurance with accounting and advisory firm BPM LLP,  7/9/2021
Attacks on Kaseya Servers Led to Ransomware in Less Than 2 Hours
Robert Lemos, Contributing Writer,  7/7/2021
It's in the Game (but It Shouldn't Be)
Tal Memran, Cybersecurity Expert, CYE,  7/9/2021
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Improving Enterprise Cybersecurity With XDR
Enterprises are looking at eXtended Detection and Response technologies to improve their abilities to detect, and respond to, threats. While endpoint detection and response is not new to enterprise security, organizations have to improve network visibility, expand data collection and expand threat hunting capabilites if they want their XDR deployments to succeed. This issue of Tech Insights also includes: a market overview for XDR from Omdia, questions to ask before deploying XDR, and an XDR primer.
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Enterprise Vulnerabilities
From DHS/US-CERT's National Vulnerability Database
PUBLISHED: 2022-06-07
joyebike Joy ebike Wolf Manufacturing year 2022 is vulnerable to Authentication Bypass by Capture-replay.
PUBLISHED: 2022-06-07
An XSS vulnerability in the index_mobile_changepass.hsp reset-password section of Axigen Mobile WebMail before and 10.3.x before allows attackers to run arbitrary Javascript code that, using an active end-user session (for a logged-in user), can access and retrieve mailbox conten...
PUBLISHED: 2022-06-07
A vulnerability in the application authentication and authorization mechanism in Hitachi Energy's TXpert Hub CoreTec 4, that depends on a token validation of the session identifier, allows an unauthorized modified message to be executed in the server enabling an unauthorized actor to change an exist...
PUBLISHED: 2022-06-07
Improper Input Validation vulnerability in a particular configuration setting field of Hitachi Energy TXpert Hub CoreTec 4 product, allows an attacker with access to an authorized user with ADMIN or ENGINEER role rights to inject an OS command that is executed by the system. This issue affects: Hita...
PUBLISHED: 2022-06-07
A vulnerability exists in the file upload validation part of Hitachi Energy TXpert Hub CoreTec 4 product. The vulnerability allows an attacker or malicious agent who manages to gain access to the system and obtain an account with sufficient privilege to upload a malicious firmware to the product. Th...