Thank You for Hangin’ Out on Cello’s Corner!



My name is Jenny, and I live with my husband, Brian, and our 7 fur-kids: German Shorthaired Pointers (GSPs): Limoncello (Cello), Hooch, Lager, and Jägermeister …and English Pointers: Whiskey, Porter, and Martini in Southern NJ.  We enjoy camping, hiking, and dock-diving  competitions (Team Liver Killers) with our pups.  My goal with this blog is to publish photos, document our adventures with our Pointers, and to share with the world the love and joy Cello, Hooch, Lager, Whiskey, Porter, Jägermeister, and Martini bring to us each and every day…Pointers are truly are an amazing breed!

We often are asked, “What made you get a GSP?” …Brian and I purchased our dream home in April of 2009.  A log cabin on a lake… only it didn’t quite “look” like a log cabin – – and, it wasn’t quite in “dream-home” state when we bought it (see Cello’s Cabin page).  Our goal is to restore this historic log cabin to its original state, and to fill it with decorations and mementos of the great town we live in, as well as items that would be relevant to the cabin and its history.  Brian works in the mortgage industry, and was able to research back to the original deed of our home.  Brian was able to find out that the log home was built in 1927, and also discovered the name of the original owner – W. Glenn Pearce.  Out of curiosity, Brian Google-searched Glenn’s name. Low and behold, he came up in the search! The search result that came up was linked to the English Setter Club, a local and nationally known club that conducts field trials that are open to all pointing breeds.  The original owner of our home owned a German Shorthaired Pointer, named “Windy Spot,” who won many awards at the club for field trials.  I called the club to see if I could get more information on this dog and his owner, or a picture of them that we could hang in our cabin.  When the man from the club called me back, and I explained my story, the other end of the phone was silent.  When I asked if he was “still there,” he asked me to repeat where I lived – what street – what house, etc… come to find out, this man I was speaking to was a direct family member of the man who built our log cabin back in 1927!!  Needless to say, it was quite an interesting conversation! Brian and I immediately researched German Shorthaired Pointers online, and fell in love with the GSP breed, and all their characteristics.  We knew a GSP would be the perfect addition to our lifestyle, our family, and our log home.  We have named our log cabin “Windy Spot,” after the first dog that ever lived in our home!

Why “Cello”? (pronounced CHELLO) …Cello’s full name is “Tommy D’s Limoncello.”  Tommy D was my Italian grandfather (my mother’s father), who passed away in 2007.  He was quite the character to say the least, and was “famous” among his family and friends for his homemade Limoncello, with his “secret” recipe.  Before he passed, “Pop Pop Tommy,” revealed his “secret” recipe.  Brian, as well as other family members, have been carrying on the tradition of making homemade Limoncello ever since.  Read all about Tommy D’s Limoncello HERE!

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Tommy DiRenzo

Jenny and “Pop Pop Tommy”

pop pop and Jenny

Tommy D’s Limoncello (“Cello”)


Cello was born on March 14, 2011, on a South Jersey farm in the town of Chatsworth.  Brian and I became lucky parents of our four-legged child on Monday, May 31, 2011 (Memorial Day).  Cello is the ultimate water dog! If there is water in site, Cello must find her way into it…! Her entire body shivers with excitement with the site of water to jump into or lay in!  Luckily we live on a lake, so she gets plenty of swimming and dock-diving time!  We also keep a baby pool in the yard for her to lay in when she is not in “lake-mode.”  She is also obsessed with soccer balls!!  She has an outstanding personality, bringing smiles to people’s faces everywhere we go!


Windy Spot’s Homemade Hooch (“Hooch”)

Since we just adore Cello, and think she is just THE most amazing pup, when we found out in July 2014 that Limoncello’s mother had another litter, we could not help but go visit her, and see the puppies.

On May 24, 2014, Cello’s Mom, Shoal Branch Ladybird (“Lady”) had another litter, and gave birth to 10 puppies.  On July 12, 2014, we brought home Cello’s half-brother, “Windy Spot’s Homemade Hooch” (“Hooch” for short)! (Read the full story by clicking here!)

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Where did the name “Windy Spot’s Homemade Hooch” come from? As you read above, when we bought our log home, Brian was able to search back to the original deed of the home and find the first owner of our cabin, who owned an award winning German Shorthaired Pointer, named “Windy Spot.”   As you also read above, we named our cabin Windy Spot, after that GSP, before we even met Cello.  The name “Windy Spot’s Homemade Hooch” incorporates the name of the first dog/GSP that lived in our cabin, and also refers to my grandfather’s Limoncello being the “Hooch” that we make here at our cabin, Windy Spot… AND connects Hooch’s name to Cello’s too 🙂

Now that we had 2 brown (referred to as “liver” in the GSP world) colored GSPs, and they both have been named after alcoholic beverages (not good for your liver), we have taken on the dock diving team name of “The Liver Killers!”

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Brogan’s American Lager (“Lager”)

On Friday August 21, 2015, I received a phone call from the Vice President of Tidewater DockDogs, explaining that there was a retired Explosives Detection Canine in need of a home.  Brian, Limoncello, Hooch, and I drove out to West Virginia to meet him – and the rest is history!  (Read the full story by clicking HERE!)

Nayt (pronounced “KNIGHT”) served the United States of America for 18 months as an Explosives Detection Canine in Iraq.  Nayt decided that his GSP instincts and love for water were more fun that searching for explosives, and he was discharged from his duties.  He is now known as Brogan’s American Lager – “Lager” for short.  Brian’s grandmother, Fran Brogan, who loved Cello and Hooch, had just recently passed.  Lager’s name incorporates Brian’s grandmother’s last name (Brogan), our country’s name (America), and a continuation of our Liver Killer’s alcoholic-beverage-themed names with a play on our log cabin (logger) and a type of beer (Lager).

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Our Updated T-Shirt design to include Lager:


Señorita Margarita (“Rita”)🌈

“Rita” was our “foster-fail!” When a rescue could not take a female English Pointer known as “Penelope,” she was on her way to being taken to a shelter when GSP Rescue of NJ offered to help.  Although the GSP Rescue of NJ was willing to help this poor girl who was found as a stray, our foster homes were full, and there was no one available to foster her.  We decided that we just couldn’t let this skinny pretty girl end up in a kill-shelter. On March 3, 2016, we committed to fostering Penelope so that she could begin her road to recovery. We quickly fell in love with this sweet girl, and officially adopted her on April 11, 2016. Despite her unfortunate background of abuse and neglect, this angel was THE sweetest dog you will ever meet, and was a registered Therapy Dog! Click HERE to read more about how Señorita Margarita joined our pack!


Our Updated T-Shirt design to include Margarita!


On November 23, 2016, I received a message on our Facebook page (Cello’s Corner) from our cabin’s original owner’s (W. Glenn Pearce’s) great grandson, Mark! He came across this website while doing some genealogy research! He was able to send us pictures of our cabin when his great-grandfather lived here, a picture of Glenn with Windy Spot, and a couple of trophies Windy Spot had won. Get ready for the next part… Mark tells me that his great grandfather also had another dog while living in our cabin: An ENGLISH POINTER named Jody of Medford! Now how cool is THAT? I knew Rita “found” us for a reason… now I know why!  We are SUPER excited to have some more pieces of history about our cabin!

Below are the photos Mark shared with me.

Tennessee Whiskey (“Whiskey”)

Whiskey is an English Pointer – and another one of our “foster fails!” We took her into our home as a foster when Pointer Rescue, Org stepped up to help her after she was dumped in a high-kill-shelter in Tennessee.  Despite her medical and behavioral issues, we fell in love with her and knew she was destined to be our family member!  Click HERE to read her story!


Our Updated T-Shirt design to include Whiskey:


Beadling’s English Porter (“Porter”)


Porter is an English Pointer – and another one of our “foster fails!” We took him in as a foster when Pointer Rescue, Org offered to help him after he was dumped in a high-kill-shelter in North Carolina.  Click HERE to read his story!

Our Updated T-Shirt design to include Porter:

Upper Aetna’s Schuss Jägermeister

Jägermeister came to us in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic when he was surrendered by his owner who could no longer take care of him. Click HERE to read about how Jäger joined our family.

Pinelands’ Perfect Half-Pour: Martini (“Tini”)

After the sudden passing of our Sweet Reet, I knew I had to save another discarded soul in her honor. Tini was surrendered to the same small outdoor kill shelter in Tennessee as Whiskey was – and by the same person. Tini was lucky enough to be saved by Pointer Rescue, Organization where she was then extremely fortunate to be loved and cared for by Jessica, a Pointer Rescue foster volunteer, before making her journey to us in NJ. Click HERE to read more about when Tini joined our family.

Here are just some of the ongoing adventures that I will be sharing:  (See top of page for all menu categories)

  • Camping – we have camped up and down the East Coast of the United States with our pups!
  • Hiking – lots of great views and adventures!
  • Dock Diving: Our 3 GSPs compete in dock diving events, and have even competed in the DockDogs World Championships!
  • Cello’s Cucina – homemade dog treats made fresh in Cello’s kitchen!
  • Windy Spot Cabin – the ongoing “life-long” project of restoring a log cabin built in 1927
  • Been There / Done That: some of the best dog friendly places we’ve visited!  If our pups aren’t welcome, we don’t go!

 So won’t you please come join us?!

“Dive in” and “hang out” on Cello’s Corner as we document the lives of Cello, Hooch, Lager, Margarita, Whiskey, and Porter ….their adventures are endless!


Thank you for hangin’ out on Cello’s Corner…Enjoy!

***Thinking about a GSP?  Think GSP RESCUE! ***Thinking about an English Pointer?  Think Pointer RESCUE!

We volunteer for both the GSP Rescue of NJ and Pointer Rescue, Org (PRO)

47 thoughts on “Thank You for Hangin’ Out on Cello’s Corner!

  1. I’ve been following Cello on Instagram and just found your blog. Love the story of your cabin and how you came to have a GSP!

  2. Hello! Thanks so much for visiting Barking from the Bayou. I’m happy to know that you also have blog about the amazing Cello & darling Hooch. I’ll definitely follow you here. The story of your cabin is amazing. I’ll follow your other social media sites too. I’m thrilled to meet you outside of Instagram. ☺ Melissa

    • Thank you!! It’s so nice to connect with you! I have followed your blog – and will follow your other social media as well!! Thanks for the follow and for “hanging out” on Cello’s Corner!! 🙂

  3. Brian –

    Spoke with you in Easton this past Sunday — appreciate the kind advice for Kona. Drop me a line when you get a chance — I’d like to stay in contact.

    Continued success!

  4. Thanks so much for stopping in to say hi. Barkley loved the dock dive as well. I’m kind of afraid of the water, but I’m learning here in my new furever home not to be afraid of things.

    Abby the Lab and her Mom Lin

  5. I’m very glad I “stumbled upon” your blog in late 2014! I love what I’ve seen so far and will be back on a regular basis 🙂 Love that your pack enjoys going for hikes ~ our pups Missy & Buzz have the same hobby!

  6. Thank you for stopping by my blog recently! I have read about Cello on another blog….I can’t remember where now. I am fascinated with dock diving, so kept meaning to come by and check things out! I look forward to reading more about all of your adventures.

    • Love your blog – so glad I found it! Thanks so much for visiting Cello’s Corner! We very much enjoy dock diving, and we hope our puppy, Hooch, takes to it as well as Cello did! We are very excited for the 2015 season – and appreciate that you will be reading about Cello and Hooch’s adventures!

  7. Love your blog. We trained with a guy named Dennis braugh at the setter club. Did you ever do hunt with your Gsps? Also, if you are even thinking about a new Gsp, jane Rae (cheza) in cross river ny has 2 litters on the ground and they are nothing short of spectacular. Most are solid liver, a few ticked and patched

    • Thanks SO much, Pam! I did not meet Dennis while we were at the club. I would LOVE to get a third pup – – but my husband Brian is set on no more than 2 right now 🙁

  8. I read about Chello’s date for the Sadie Hawkins Dance and decided to visit you. Please come and visit my blog.. BTW–mum lived in northern NJ (Essex County) for about 10 years, bol

    ttfn and toodle pip


  9. Hiya, Bentley at BFTB news sent me over to introduce myself and I’m so glad he did. Chatsworth is a very special place fur me, its where I haf my holiday in the TOWER, hehe.
    Nice to meet you Cello
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. We adopted a solid chocolate GSP, he’s a 1.5 years old and full of energy. We (especially my wife) would like to introduce him to dock diving, but do not know where or how to start. Do you know where i could grab further information regarding this? Thank you in advance for your time.

  11. Oh my gosh I enjoyed reading this so much! Thank you for loving these awesome fur kids and allowing them to blossom in their abilities and joy of water.

  12. Hi Jenny, I came across your blog when I searched Shoal Branch as we are about 2 weeks away from getting our first GSP from them:)

  13. Hi! Was directed to your site by Abby, our swim “coach” at Green Leaf, who has helped our beloved 10 month old GSP, Gus, learn to love the water! She raved about your dogs, and we are always excited to hear about others with GSPs! Can’t wait to read more about your adventures! – Maureen, Lucio, & Gus

    • Hi Maureen, Lucio, and Gus!
      Omg- Abby is THE best! I am so glad you found our website! We are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter too! We would love to hear more about Gus! Thanks so much for reaching out!!

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