The Value Drivers of Attack Surface Management, Revealed

Why The Time for ASM Automation Is Now

The cloud and remote work has not only revolutionized the way business is done, they have also irrevocably changed attack surfaces. Assets move, change, and appear constantly, and this dynamic nature means traditional manual asset inventory processes simply cannot keep up. The modern attack surface requires modern, automated attack surface management to ensure security teams have the visibility they need to keep organizations safe. ASM allows security teams to be proactive and helps prevent disruptive and costly attacks, including ransomware. The value of modern ASM extends beyond the security benefits. It can save money as well through prevention, lower cyber insurance costs, lower human effort, and higher operational efficiency. Join to find out how modern attack surfaces have changed, why a new process for asset inventory is essential, and how attack surface management can fit into your existing security budget.

Thu, May 26, 2022 10:00 AM PDT / 01:00 PM EDT
1h 00min

Attend this webinar and you'll learn how:

  • 69% of orgs have experienced an attack on unknown assets, and 35% experienced multiple attacks on unknown assets.
  • Users of automated ASM platforms find “at least 40%” more assets than they knew about.
  • ASM can save money by preventing cyberattacks and lowering cyber insurance premiums.
  • To repurpose current point-in-time assessment budgets or other funds for continuous monitoring with ASM.

Featured Speakers

  • Jon Oltsik
    Jon Oltsik
    Senior Principal Analyst & Fellow

    Jon Oltsik is an ESG senior principal analyst, an ESG fellow, and the founder of the firm’s cybersecurity service. With over 30 years of technology industry experience, Jon is widely recognized as an expert in all aspects of cybersecurity and is often called upon to help customers understand a CISO's perspective and strategies. Jon focuses on areas such as cyber-risk management, security operations, and managed security services.

  • Haley Sayres
    Haley Sayres
    Director of Product Management
    Cortex Xpanse, Palo Alto Networks

    Haley Sayres is the Director of Product Management for Xpanse. She currently leads their Product Management and Product Analytics teams and oversees the strategic direction of Xpanse's product suite.

  • Abhishek Anbazhagan
    Abhishek Anbazhagan
    Product Marketing Manager
    Cortex Xpanse, Palo Alto Networks

    Abhi is an engineer turned Product Marketing Manager who has worked across startups and Fortune 500 companies. He has worked across blockchain, cloud networking, and cybersecurity industries. He is always eager to talk to customers even if they don't want to talk to him. In another life, Abhi would like to be reborn as a feedback form but he is happy that in this life, his PMM role helps him do just that.

  • Peter Krass
    Peter Krass
    Dark Reading

    Peter Krass is an editor and writer specializing in business technology. Formerly, Peter held senior editorial positions with Inc., Planet IT, Smart Enterprise, TechBuilder, InformationWeek, Dark Reading and the BusinessWeek newsletter group.

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