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May 24, 2022 | FREE Admission

“Good-enough” IT architecture for remote workers isn’t good enough anymore. To support a permanently hybrid workforce, enterprise leaders need to ask themselves tough questions: Do you simply add “must have good broadband” to job listings, or can IT departments redesign their network architecture to accommodate talent wherever it resides? Are you using employee monitoring and productivity tools responsibly, or are they violating privacy? In this Interop event, learn the latest in hybrid work trends including new technologies to better observe, support and defend your users, wherever they choose to work.

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Keynote: Optimizing Your Enterprise IT Architecture to Support Hybrid Work 
Most large companies are rethinking their IT architectures to support permanent hybrid working. Topics on the minds of IT leaders include how to improve communication and collaboration, secure expanding networks, and develop a more modern, mobile, and digitally enabled workplace. This keynote will share best practices on how to optimize your IT architecture to support the future of hybrid work.

IT Service Management Automation: Streamlining the Delivery of IT Services to Hybrid Workers - Sponsored by Nexthink
Supporting a 9-to-5 workforce is but a fading memory for IT teams. Employees are using new technology, have different technology needs than before, and consume IT differently. To streamline the delivery of IT services around the clock and around the globe, companies are increasingly embedding automation technology into IT processes. This session covers the biggest IT challenges for supporting a hybrid workforce and the top use cases for service management automation.

Among the key topics panelists will tackle:

  • Why does effective support in the hybrid environment mean understanding what work employees do, not just the services they use?
  • What opportunities does IT have to turn service desks from a cost-center into a valuable business contributor?
  • Are bots a good option for remote workers?
  • And much more!


The Future of Work: Where Hybrid Work is Heading- Sponsored by Okta 

You know that hybrid work is becoming a reality, but what will that environment really look like, and what will it require from IT in terms of support? This panel will explore key issues and takeaways from Omdia’s newest “Future of Work” and other research. Learn about the trends, priorities, technologies, and practices that will help you build a flexible plan for supporting the transitions that lie ahead.

Security for Hybrid Workforce Deployments- Sponsored by Fortinet
The cybersecurity mandates of today include locking down endpoints and protecting the collaboration systems that support hybrid work. This session will explore how cybersecurity solutions and services are evolving to support enterprise priorities, including expanding security offerings from cloud providers, combining on-premises and cloud-based security architectures, and changing purchase and consumption models.

How Hybrid Work Changes Your Networking Environment​
Supporting a hybrid workforce means ensuring reliable performance for videoconferencing and cloud-based collaboration tools, no matter where your employees are located. This includes focusing on home and office Wi-Fi, office LANs, and WAN architecture. This session will explore how to optimize these networks for peak performance, and how they’re evolving as the workforce becomes more dispersed​.

Meeting Equity: Giving All Users the Best Possible Collaboration Experience
Early in the pandemic, when every meeting was virtual, meetings were equitable—meaning everyone had the same opportunity to contribute. With hybrid work, however, how can you ensure meeting equity when some participants are together in a conference room while others are working from their homes, in remote locations or in coworking spaces? This session focuses on how collaboration and video systems are adapting to provide optimal quality and user-friendly interfaces to all meeting participants, regardless of where they’re located.