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December 1, 2022 | FREE Admission

Cautious organizations prepare for disasters with measures like cyber insurance and good backups. Yet, cyberattacks, climate change, a pandemic, and civic unrest are threatening business continuity, disaster recovery, and cyber resilience plans. Ransomware has become so costly that insurers are raising premiums or leaving the cyber market entirely. Backup data centers are at risk of damage from wildfires, floods, and heat waves. In this Interop event, learn how to assess the cyber risks of today, what role insurance should play in your resilience plan, how to craft an effective incident response plan, and new factors you should consider before investing in IT infrastructure.


Keynote: Cyber Resilience Success & Failure: Tales from the Trenches
Learning from the successes (and failures) of other businesses is a great way to build cyber resilience. In this keynote we’ll highlight several real-world cyber attacks and examine which businesses survived the disaster intact—their systems redundant, their incident response quick, their crisis communications effective, etc.—and which completely collapsed.

Zero Hour: What Your Cyber Incident Response Plan Should Look Like in 2023
Is your cyber incident response plan keeping pace with changes to your IT infrastructure? As companies continue to digitally transform at breakneck speed, the need has never been greater for both a dependable incident response plan and frequent audits to ensure that plan remains commensurate with organizational changes. This session will share the latest thinking in incident response plans and what your 2023 plan should look like.

The State of Cyber Insurance
Surprise, surprise: cyber insurance premiums continue to rise while coverage continues to fall. Cyber insurance remains a volatile—and mysterious—market, leaving policy-seekers with more questions than answers. Should you get insurance? What’s covered and not covered? What are the minimum security requirements for coverage, etc. This session explores the amorphous world of cyber insurance and whether it’s right for your business.

How to Make Sure Your ‘Good Backups’ Are Good Enough to Handle a Ransomware Attack
Data backups remain the best protection against ransomware. But the million-dollar question is: are yesterday’s backups good enough to overcome tomorrow’s attacks? It’s more and more common for backups—even the ones you thought were safe—to be encrypted by ransomware, raising the need for a fresh look at backup and recovery. This session presents the latest research and best practices for protecting your backups against ransomware.

Tools & Technologies for Responding to Disaster Before It Strikes
The cybersecurity market is rich with products and services designed to keep your data and applications safe from attack. But which ones are worth your attention? This session goes deep on the best tools and technology for detection, prevention and recovery on the market today. 

How Climate Change Impacts Cyber Resilience and IT Investments  
While climate change isn’t commonly considered a cybersecurity risk, the accelerating frequency, severity, and significance of extreme weather has left a devastating toll on businesses and the critical infrastructure connecting the world—raising the risk of cyber attack. Learn about this growing threat and why IT should develop a robust business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) plan that includes climate and extreme weather-related events.