Thanks for joining I/O 2022! Catch up on the latest technology announcements from Google.

Build anything with Google

Google Cloud
Google Assistant
Maps Platform
Google Ads
Chrome OS
Google Play
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Learn about the features and APIs added in the new 1.2 beta release.
Create beautiful, usable experiences that scale with Material Design 3's new accessibility guidance and patterns.
Get the latest updates to help grow your business and build safer apps.
Explore new use cases and developer documentation for Google Wallet.
Create high-quality, beautiful experiences across six platforms from a single codebase.
Build location-based, immersive AR experiences at world scale. Available on Android and iOS.
Firebase Crashlytics is now seamlessly integrated across Android Studio, Flutter, and Google Play for consistent and actionable crash reporting.
Search for open source projects, learn from other developers, and submit your latest projects using Google technology.

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