It was a perfect storm – high winds, blowing snow, and bone-chilling cold. Or, as I like to call it — a perfect time for magic. It helps that I have a camera that helps me do it with minimum fuss. Both images were captured at an aperture of f8, ISO 100, and a shutter speed of 1/640th of a second. I used my f2/50 mm M-APO Summicron lens on a Leica SL2 body. The top image is a jpeg right out of the camera. I use a slightly tweaked version of the B&W High contrast film style built into the camera. The second photo is an edited version of the DNG file.

The past and the present. Made with Leica SL2-S.

Sometimes the past and present come together, giving you a good reason to go “click.” I captured this wonderful sight quite early in the morning when walking across the Ponte Vecchio in Firenze. The photo is as-is from the camera, and I used the high-contrast monochrome setting for the jpeg. The lens I used is a 35mm M-Summicron made in 1959. When using this lens, I use the SL2-S in APS-C mode, giving me the equivalent of my favorite focal length — 50mm.

July 15, 2022.

Porto, Portugal, is one of my favorite cities. Whenever I am there, I like to get lost in its streets, and often it is before Porto itself wakes up. And on rare occasions when I find myself walking the streets during the day, I leave my camera in the hotel room. Instead, I use the iPhone and its incredible camera to capture a slice of this whimsical and wonderful city. Here is a subset of photos I snapped on a 36-hour-visit to this most lovely of all cities. All photos with my iPhone & edited with Darkroom App.

I was walking around San Francisco when I came across this piece of street art. I don’t know the artist, but it was so beautiful that I had to capture it. It represents surveillance — the kind that is enabled by facial recognition.

Whether it is smart cities or online services like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and apps that we use to see a younger/older version of ourselves, we give them our likeness, and they follow us everywhere.

In case you were wondering, I used Ricoh GRIIIx.

May 25, 2022. San Francisco

Snow hides nature’s imperfections and only reveals what it thinks we should experience. It is one of the photos from my Antarctica 2021 series. It is my interpretation of the landscape, and I use the high key is to emphasize the empty white expanses I experienced. I made the photo a little cooler and muted to emphasize the feeling of brutal cold. If you look closely, you can see the texture and patterns on snow, carved by brutal winds even on a good day.

March 20, 2022. San Francisco