How Much Does It Cost to Repair Window Blinds?

Typical Range:

$77 - $171

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Published January 10, 2022

Written by HomeAdvisor.

Repairing Window Blinds Cost

The cost to repair window blinds varies from $8 to $280, for an average cost of $140. Some fixes are simple and suited to homeowners with basic home improvement skills, such as replacing the pull cord or valance blind clip.

However, if you need a more complex repair, such as replacing brackets or repairing the tilt mechanism, you may need to hire a local handyperson, in which case your project cost will fall at the upper end of the budget.

Average Costs to Repair Window Blinds

Average Cost


High Cost


Low Cost


Window Blind Part Prices

Parts for window blinds start at around $8 for a basic multipack of standard window blind clips or a new blind pull. A replacement blind motor or window blind retrofit motor kit costs up to $180, without installation.

Window Blind Repair Labor Costs

If it's a simple fix you can do yourself, it costs nothing to repair your blinds, apart from some of your time. If, for example, you need to add a new cord pull, clip in a damaged slat, or change a broken clip, you can tackle this type of project in less than an hour with minimal know-how.

However, if the fix is more complex, you'll need to hire a handyperson near you to get the job done right. A handyperson costs around $55 to $75 per hour, and they usually have a minimum call-out fee. Therefore, even if the job only takes them 20 minutes, you'll still pay for at least an hour or two of their time. Most window blind repair jobs take less than 3 hours.

Window Blind Repair Costs by Blind Type

The quality and type of blinds impact the repair cost. In some instances, the repair is impractical, particularly for lower-end blinds where an entire replacement is more cost-effective than repairing them. Similarly, repairing isn't viable for blinds such as pleated or Roman types where the shade is made from a single piece of fabric. If the fabric tears, stains, or is otherwise irrevocably damaged, the attempted repair would be noticeable, making replacement the best option.

Let's take a look at the most common types of residential window blinds and how much it costs to repair them—or replace them when a repair isn't practical.

Blind Type

Cost Range

Average Cost


































Window Blind Repair Costs by Repair Type

Different blind problems require specific solutions, and the cost varies considerably between each.

Damaged Slats

Replacing a damaged slat costs $10 to $35 per slat, just for the materials. The type of blind material and the length of the slat determines how much you'll pay for a replacement. Budget-friendly vinyl, bamboo, and aluminum are all inexpensive to replace, while wood, leather, and some fabrics carry a higher price tag per slat.

If you don't want to perform the repair yourself, you'll need to hire a window blind specialist, adding $55 to $75 to the project total. This is assuming a minimum call-out charge of 1 hour.

Loss of Tilt

A replacement tilt mechanism costs $8 to $20. If your blind refuses to tilt, it's likely the tilt mechanism is no longer functioning. If this is the case, you'll need to replace this usually inexpensive part, located inside the headrail. While this is a reasonably straightforward fix if you have some basic skills and experience, it's best to hire a pro if you're not confident in your abilities, in which case add at least an hour's worth of labor to the project cost.

Lift Cord Damage

Replacing a blind lift cord costs $10 to $30 for the re-stringing material. If the cord is damaged and your blind won't rise or fall smoothly (or at all), then it most likely needs re-stringing. While this task is simple, it's time-consuming and can go wrong if you don't follow the original lift cord path. So, while you can complete this repair yourself, it's a better option to hire a local window blind repair pro, which will add between 1 to 3 hours of labor to the final price.

Vertical Blind Carrier Clip Replacement

Vertical track carrier replacement costs $8 to $100 for materials, depending on how many carrier clips you need, the quality you opt for, and whether you need the carrier clips with stems or without. If you also need to replace the headrail, plan to spend another $30 to $70. If you want professional help, you'll need to budget for at least an hour of labor to hire a local vertical blind specialist.

Motor Replacement

Electrical blind motor repair or replacement costs $70 to $200 for the motor itself plus labor. Motor replacement is the most costly type of blind repair and one of the most time-consuming, so you'll need to allow up to 3 hours of labor.

Window Blind Repair Cost Factors

Aside from those outlined above, a few different factors impact the cost of repairing window blinds.


If you have custom blinds or high-end premade ones, check the paperwork, as some come with a 5- or 10-year warranty or even a lifetime or limited-lifetime warranty. If the warranty covers the repair, it won't cost you anything. Or depending on the terms of the warranty, you may need to cover the parts but labor is included.

Repair vs. Replacement

Although there are some instances where repair isn't possible—such as when a single-piece roller blind has torn fabric that's beyond repair—it can be challenging at other times to decide if you should repair or replace a blind. And this decision has a big impact on the project cost.

Consider how much the blinds originally cost and whether the repair price would extend the life of the blinds enough that it's worth it. For example, if a $20 roller blind costs $10 to $20 to repair, your money may be better spent buying a new blind. On the other hand, if you've got custom blinds, which tend to be comparatively costly, a repair is usually a smart choice as it'll extend the life of the blinds without the expense of a full replacement.

DIY vs. Hiring a Window Blind Pro

Replacing a cord pull, tilt wand, or simple slat are all straightforward jobs you can complete yourself with minimal know-how. However, for complex repairs and electric blinds, it's a smarter option to hire a pro to avoid ruining the blinds and having to pay for replacements.


Is it worth it to repair blinds?

Yes, it's often worthwhile to repair blinds instead of replacing them. If the repair cost is considerably less than replacing them, fixing makes good financial sense.

Can you re-string blinds yourself?

Yes, you can re-string blinds yourself as long as you have the time and patience. You need to pay close attention to the path of the existing cord so you can replicate it.

Can you replace just one vertical blind slat?

Yes, it's reasonably easy to replace a single vertical blind slat. Purchase a replacement slat that matches the existing ones exactly, then remove the broken one from the clips and slot in the new one.