Kaspersky Antidrone

Protecting airspace from drones. A system to counter drones at facilities of any size.

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Kaspersky Antidrone: What it’s for and how it works

The Kaspersky Antidrone hardware and software system comprehensively protects territory from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) through continuous airspace monitoring

The system detects objects in the air, accurately classifies them and responds to incidents, all while running automatically. Data on the drone and remote control model, and location of the drone pilot is displayed in real time. Sensors, selected specifically for each site in combination with AI-based technology, signal that a drone is approaching the controlled zone and pursue the target.

  • Kaspersky Neural Networks
    Kaspersky Neural Networks

    A system powered by neural networks and machine vision providing an unsurpassed level of airborne object classification.

  • Out-of-the-box solution
    Out-of-the-box solution

    The optimal hardware package and software configurations for a specific customer type and threat model.

  • High-class hardware
    High-class hardware

    The only system in the world that seamlessly integrates various types of sensors and controls them from a single console.

  • Kaspersky Data Protection
    Kaspersky Data Protection

    Kaspersky Antidrone software that guarantees the highest standards of information and data protection.

Kaspersky Antidrone software controls and coordinates the system’s hardware modules for efficient operation

This Kaspersky Neural Networks-based solution with precise object recognition provides maximum response speed and exceptional accuracy in the classification of airborne objects.

  • Multi-sensor monitoring

    The AI-powered system combines data from various sensors and controls the hardware.

  • User interface with an interactive map

    A graphical user interface helps to configure the system and control it in real time.

  • Incident archive

    Recording and gathering of incident data provide evidence for the security team.

The best available hardware is selected and combined for each type of site to safeguard the exposed airspace and effectively combat the specific threat profile

Mounted rotating module

This module classifies an object at any time of day thanks to thermal imaging cameras, determines the distance to the object and performs targeting, waiting for a command to be sent to the jamming device.

Panoramic camera

Basic airspace scanning technology, effective on small scale sites as well as in areas with varying building heights.

Sectoral camera

This type of camera is used for specific areas of a site perimeter where high-precision monitoring and a high detection range are required.

Thermal camera

Module with thermal imaging cameras providing highly accurate detection of airborne objects day and night.

Radio frequency scanner

RF scanning is suitable for large sites, including those in urban areas, regardless of time of day or weather conditions, with the ability to determine the location of the pilot.


Radar-based detection device suitable for use at large sites outside built-up areas, day and night, in all weather conditions.


Laser scanning technology provides 360-degree monitoring of airspace within a radius of up to 1 kilometer. The technology does not require additional permits and can be used at sites within city limits.


The microphone module improves the efficiency of primary detection by using audio sensors.

System demo run in the Kaspersky Antidrone user interface

Kaspersky Antidrone has been successfully implemented at sites in Russia and abroad. Evaluate the system in action and control the airspace via an intuitive user interface by running a demonstration scenario.

Launch demo


Protection of airport airspace

Kaspersky Antidrone protects the airport territory from malicious or unintentional use of UAVs, preventing the risk of schedule disruption, airborne collisions and threats to human life.

Protection of industrial airspace

Kaspersky Antidrone’s modular hardware and software system reduces the probability of process outages and ensures the safety of employees by preventing unauthorized drones from entering the territory of industrial facilities.

Protection of airspace during public events

For stadiums, outdoor competitions and public events, Kaspersky Antidrone offers both mobile and stationary solutions that ensure the safety of spectators and participants.

Kaspersky Antidrone ecosystem

Our main goal is to create an innovative solution for customers all over the world. Kaspersky Antidrone professionals use their own patented technology for drone defense, select the best equipment suppliers and work with leading integrators to ensure excellent results.

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