Our Approach

A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.

First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.

Our Partner Network

Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.


Your Experience

Choose Your Role:

The Process, People, Technology Philosophy

We help companies become more efficient, accurate and connected not just by what we do, but how we do it.

  • Our approach focuses first on the process that needs improving. We dig deep to understand your business—workflows, people, cultures, goals
  • We then move on to discuss the types of technology available to fit your needs. In some cases, we recommend process changes if it’s in the customer’s best interest; in some cases we recommend a change because it’s in your best interest
  • Only after these steps do we develop, deploy, and manage a solution, because only with that knowledge can we ensure a solution that positively impacts your employees, communities, and end customers

We’ve been partnering with Barcoding now for well over a decade. Seldom have we come across such an efficient, service-focused partner. From the level of detail, responsiveness, and professionalism, to the demonstrated fact that Barcoding is more than a vendor or consultant—they are true partners that take the time and effort to help us find solutions to promote our growth and success. Barcoding takes a holistic approach that is solution- and project-based, remaining fully committed as a positive agent of change to both our short-term and long-term needs.

Their deep, broad, and comprehensive experience is extensive and an important tool in our IT arsenal, helping us stay in touch with industry trends and important insights. We are proud to partner with Barcoding and consider them a valuable asset and important resource.

CIO, Astor Chocolate


The positive and productive experience you’re going to have with Barcoding is fueled by our remarkable people.

We love what we do, and you’ll see that in every interaction with our team, and in the quality of every single solution we deliver. We are:

  • Problem solvers. We face industry and customer challenges head-on
  • Smart. We bring the right minds, the right approach, the right data, and the right technology to the table, with a goal that motives every action and decision: to help clients be the best they can be. That means driving down costs, increasing revenue, and improving their customer experience
  • Committed to the things that have power to transform clients’ businesses (and our own): in being helpful, in thoughtful processes, and in continuous improvement
  • Transparent. If we don’t think a technology will solve your problem, we will not recommend it


When IT Doesn’t Have to Do Everything, IT Can Do Anything!

The role of the CIO is changing, and there's more to do than ever before: pressure to understand new technologies and their impact; managing labor shortages; ensuring successful software implementations; and keeping equipment up and running (and up-to-date), just to name a few.

Alleviate some of that stress and free up resources by engaging Barcoding:

  • Labor. With the push for digital transformation and an increasingly larger number of channels to manage, IT leaders have to deftly manage resource allocation. Barcoding’s managed services help relieve the burden around mobile IT management so that internal resources can be freed up to continue to innovate
  • Security. With all kinds of mobile devices hitting the network, you have to be prepared to keep company and customer data secure. Barcoding relieves you of the job of reviewing device data and ensuring the right patching and security updates are handled appropriately
  • Technology procurement. We offer an “as-a-service” option for devices and support services so IT can manage a monthly expense and so your company can be better prepared for refresh cycles and new technology needs

So...What About Android?

As the industry shifts, it’s not just a smart move to upgrade to Android-based mobile scanning devicesit’s imperative. Android as an operating system introduces a host of benefits and is far more secure than legacy Windows Mobile (which is now end-of-life).

Research shows that 77% of IT and Operations leaders agree they need to modernize their warehouse operations...but admit they have been slow to implement new technology. This is a major opportunity for companies that aren’t afraid to changeand we’re here to help make the process as simple and smooth as possible.

Barcoding will help you map out a “crawl, walk, run” approach to technology migration and modernizationyou don’t have to do it all at once, or on your own. The best way to get users excited and seeing what’s possible with Android-based devices is to put a device in their handslet ‘em start playing around with it. Soon you’ll have the feedback you need to start a full migration.

of IT and Operations leaders agree they need to modernize their warehouse operations

What IT Needs to Know about Android in the Enterprise


The Android operating system is secure.


Android updates more frequently than Windows Mobile.


Android is highly flexible and will allow your developers to create more applications to drive the business.


Android feels familiar to your users—they can do basic troubleshooting without IT.

Managing Updates and Patches

No matter which platform you’re on, you need to have a mechanism for ensuring that your mobile devices receive the required updates. How often you perform this update is under your control.

Android is an evolving operating system and, as such, it is continually being enhanced with new features and bug fixes. Google releases both OS updates and OS patches on a regular basis. Additionally, device manufacturers also maintain their unique OS and device-level hardware support requirements with an additional layer of updates and patches. While not every update may be required, it is highly recommended that these items are reviewed on a regular basis and important updates and patches are installed.

“Android in and of itself, the devices that Android uses, and the use cases for Android are ever changing. Almost day to day, it seems there's something that changes, whether it be security changes, full OS changes, or application updates. Sometimes, it’s a decision maker in the business wanting some new functionality or a new application to be accessible or available. It's just always changing, and I think that's really going to be a big challenge for customers going forward. Companies that don’t work with a partner like Barcoding are going to struggle staying ahead of those changes and being able to react to them as needed.”


Brian Harvey, Barcoding, Inc.

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Android devices do not require an MDM solution; however, investing in an MDM tool can save you significant time, money, and risk by evaluating and implementing the required updates and patches that are released by Google and the device manufacturer.

As your device population grows, you will want to invest in an MDM solution to avoid manual updates. MDM significantly reduces the time associated with update installation and ensures that the same process is followed every time.

iPad (2)

Outsourcing your mobile device program

Can outsourcing your mobile device program to a third-party expert save you time, money, and headaches—and give your organization a competitive advantage over companies struggling to do it all themselves?

The answer is “yes,” and we’ll outline how and why in this handy side-by-side infographic


Barcoding has been a great partner in helping us decide on and standardize our use of the Android platform. It’s allowed my development team to focus their skills on development for a single platform rather than splitting their energy.

IT Manager, Fleet Farm



What’s Keeping You Up At Night?

A better question might be, “What’s not?”

Your job requires an unrelenting laser focus on things like productivity, process efficiency, enterprise implementations, minimizing downtime, surviving labor shortages...and most of all, keeping the customers happy.

The right technology and processes—and the right partner—can reduce the stress and uncertainty in all these areas.

Let us help be an extra resource for your operations.

  • Labor and minimizing downtime: We know you cannot afford a single second of downtime. That’s why companies turn to us—for 24/7 support. From the user’s point of view, the mobile device or scanner “is running slow.” Our experts will quickly figure out if that actually means a WiFi, application, or hardware issue. Our StayLive Services™ are user-centric and are built to keep an operation running
  • Productivity and continuous improvement: Our mantra is efficient, accurate, and connected and that’s what we bring to our customers year after year. Whether that’s acting as a sounding board or consultant for a new project, supporting an enterprise software implementation, or scoping a new IoT solution
With today’s technology, it’s possible to*:
  • Reduce average training time from 4.5 weeks to days with a dynamic, optimized mobile user experience
  • Decrease non-productive walking by introducing autonomous mobile robots
  • Orchestrate operations based on real-time location of people, goods, and assets

*Courtesy of our partner Zebra Technologies

Worker Safety

Coming out of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations had to rethink worker safety. Social distancing, sanitizing practices, and the ability to work remote/virtual are all now part of normal business.

A good place to start is by reviewing your mobile strategy with Barcoding. We can help you make the most of your mobile investment with your users top-of-mind. Today’s devices can support on-device training, contact tracing, and more.


“Thanks to the new strategic labels initiative, we quickly learned how consolidating our spend would give us greater visibility about spend, improve quality and control expenditures ”

CIO, DHL Supply Chain

In the Warehouse

We support optimization in all warehouse and logistics processes.


Receiving Operations: We can help increase the speed and accuracy of receiving by implementing technology to rapidly reconcile advance ship notices (ASNs), to quickly sort materials and accurately locate each piece of a shipment. This area of the business is also one of the first places we look to automate because the effects are felt downstream. This is also a logistics process that is prime for Iot and RFID to add speed and accuracy.


Returns Management Operations: According to Zebra, 81% of warehouse leaders have plans to expand their returns management operations in the next five years, which 40% say is fueled by consumer demand. Upgraded technology (mobile and printing) and the use of RFID can help your users drive productivity.


Put-Away Operations: In this area of the business, it’s critical to eliminate errors that will impact picking and replenishment. Long-range scanners are key as well as vehicle mounted computers and tablets for forklift operators. Our team of supplies experts can assist with warehouse location signage and printing consumables like labels and ribbons.


Cross-docking Operations: Every minute counts in cross-docking and that’s why a good partner is essential. Mobile technology and data capture solutions can make sure that the right shipments are put on the right trailers in the right order at the right time. The goal here is to deliver better operational visibility to help orchestrate the movement of goods, equipment, and workers in a very busy area.


Picking Operations: From our partner Zebra, picking operations can account for almost 50% of warehouse labor and is often an area with frequent turnoveras high as 30% annually! For these reasons, picking is a great logistics process to optimize with modern mobile devices. You’ll want to leverage devices on the Android platform to help accelerate onboarding.


Packing Operations: Packing is the last chance to verify order accuracy. By digitizing this part of your operations, you’ll be able to confirm that each item matches the pick list. Digitization also means your system will be able to tell the user which carton to use and will print the right address label. Our supplies team can help consolidate costs around the printing and labeling function in packing.


Staging Operations: You don’t want parcels ending up on the wrong trailer because of improper staging. With advanced data capture and mobile technology, you’ll be able to confirm that goods are properly organized. You’ll quickly be able to find any missing pallets to ensure all orders are complete. This is a great process to add real-time locationing to automatically verify staging accuracy.


Loading Operations: With increasing demands, rising volume of packages, and shrinking delivery schedules, there is no room for error or delays. Using modern vehicle mount computers, scanners, and beacons, it’s possible to optimize trailer space, meet shipment times, and reallocate labor through efficiency gains.

Learn how warehouses of all sizes are using modern mobile technology to expand

Did you know that 80% of IT and Operations professionals are planning to invest in new technologies to be competitive? Are you one of them?


Inventory Management

Inventory management is one of the biggest areas of focus for any operations leader. According to our partner Zebra, warehouse leaders report that their average item-level inventory accuracy is about 86.5%. This equates to approximately 15 out of 100 locations missing stock or lower quantities than reported in the WMS.

Barcoding is here to help. With our expertise, there are opportunities to:

  • Ensure data capture at all touch points
  • Make cycle counting more productive and efficient
  • Automate counts with RFID and IoT systems

We help companies manage inventory with the right technology for your environment and workflow:

  • Replace manual counting with mobile computers and scanners
  • Deploy devices that are built to stand up to environmental conditions such as freezing temperatures and humidity
  • Use real-time data capture, machine-learning, and AI to predict preferred slotting location of incoming inventory

Cycle Counting

We highly recommend employing regular cycle counting practices that best fit the size and volume of your business to keep a close eye on inventory. Mobile technology and new data capture solutions can help make sure your cycle counting practices keep you prepared for the velocity of both expected and unexpected order volume.

Want to get ahead and stay there? Barcoding’s team of service experts are here to help you deliver operational excellence.



Don’t Surprise Me

No one likes surprises, especially Finance.

One of the many benefits of working with Barcoding is that we help you plan. Mobile computing, scanning, supplies, etc. expenses can be made more predictable. We help you work with the OEMs and distributors to forecast payments/projects coming down the pipe.

Mobile Device Purchasing

Our goal is to work with customers’ finance teams to help align the purchasing cycles of technology to cash flow management. Today, more than ever, it’s vital to link device lifecycles and budget cycles together to ensure:

  • Security
  • Upgrades
  • And the ability to leverage new advancements as quickly as needed

Aligning device lifecycle and budgeting lends itself to a monthly financing plan. Monthly financing allows us to remove the “hockey stick” spends that often occur with mobile device refresh spends.


“We’ve become more effective and more efficient. We’re able to do more and grow our business without growing our cost base.”

Director of Central Operations Strategy, United Rentals

Supplies Purchasing

When it comes to supplies, we help organizations strategically centralize and consolidate their spend. Many companies don’t realize the money they could save by reviewing their supplies spending and creating a plan. We review things like shipping costs, volume discounts, and printing consumables to see where we can save you money.

For example, long-time customer DHL Supply Chain’s strategic labeling initiative with Barcoding streamlines ordering, optimizes printer performance and virtually eliminates chargebacks. Read the full case study here.

“We’ve saved more than $100,000 in purchases of consumables in 2017, with total savings in freight and the costs of printhead replacement estimated at $273,340.”

DHL Supply Chain


Deployment Finance Strategies for Mobile Computers

Learn what financial considerations need to be made in preparation for end-of-life and the replacement cycle in this article.


Financing a Deployment

New applications, new support tools, system modifications: when devices reach their end of life, it can take a lot of time and effort to keep your essential technology running as it needs to. Most organizations handle this one of two ways:

  1. The “rip and replace” method, swapping all old devices with new ones. This is helpful because it’s a one-time change that can limit confusion—but it requires a lot of training
  2. A gradual switch over time. The drawback to this method is that it results in a mix of devices across your organization, but it does allow for a more user-friendly adaptation

With both options, Barcoding’s OnePay™ financing program is a great way to get much-needed flexibility.

Whether you’re financing, leasing, or renting from Barcoding, you have a single provider for a monthly, all-inclusive product/service program. One price can include hardware, software, accessories, support, and help desk services for the life of the system.


100% Financing
We can finance your entire solution, including data capture equipment, software, services, and moreno down payment and soft costs included.


Maximize Capital
Monthly payments don’t affect your established line of credit and cash reserves or require a compensating deposit balance.


Cash Flow Flexibility
Tailoring payment terms and structures to match unique needs, such as seasonality, expansion plans, or revenue cycles, lets you get more out of your budget.


Inflation Friendly
As costs go up over the term of your contract, you pay the same rate as when you began.


Accounting Benefits
Balance sheet considerations, such as OpEx versus CapEx, are important decisions. We help you design a financing solution that best fits your accounting and tax requirements.


End-of-Term Options
You can own your solution with a $1.00 purchase option. Or with a true lease, you have the option to own or return the equipment at the end of the term, with an affordable payment during the term.


Add-on Options
With any of our options, you can add to your Barcoding solution at any time with a simple increase to your monthly payment.



Share Some Of The Heavy Lifting

It’s lonely at the top, and that’s because no one else has quite the weight on their shoulders that you do.

Barcoding gives clients confidence that their toughest challengesthose they’re facing today and those looming on the horizonare being thoughtfully solved and closely managed. Some of the most pressing are:

  • Security. We ensure that the right tools, processes and protocols are in place at all times minimizes the risks of a costly system breachone that could affect your reputation and your bottom line
  • Labor. Outsourcing to experts is one of the best ways to free up internal resources (people and budget) to focus on the most value-added projects. It also relieves you of the work involved in attracting, training, and retaining talent
  • Profitability. Creating time and cost efficiencies is the most effective method for optimizing company profitability, and Barcoding solutions are designed to do exactly that, using smart technology and optimized processes

“The end customers benefit tremendously from the technology aspect that Urban Hanger provides. Without working with Barcoding to develop a unique solution, Urban Hanger would not exist and would not be as profitable as we are today.”

Owner, President & Founder, Urban Hanger



The fourth industrial revolution is upon us, read how to get ahead in this guide.



Learn about the latest Supply Chain Trends, Technologies, and Best Practices on Barcoding’s Geek Speak blog!