
Just months ago, sentiment about GM's move into electric vehicles was on the rise. Much of that appears to have disappeared.
A recent analysis reveals that a used version of this Mercedes Benz costs $41,000 more than a new one.
Electric vehicle maker Lordstown may not survive to see the end of 2022, but its chief executive officer will be a rich man regardless.
Ford's future could not have been brighter as the market anticipated its move into the electric pickup market. That optimism has disappeared.
The market has lost all faith in electric vehicle maker Rivian and its chief executive.
Tesla seems to have navigated the parts shortage challenges better than most other manufacturers, and it appears to be on a path to widen its lead on its rivals.
The electric vehicle market has become progressively crowded over the past two years. Here is why Lordstown has no chance of competing in this market.
A recent analysis reveals that the fastest-selling used car now is a Tesla model.
Here is why Tesla will outperform the other mega-cap stocks and continue its drive toward a $2 trillion market cap.
This year, Ford has gone from being a hot stock to one that reflects the skepticism about its EV future.
Today, the most powerful cars available to the general public have engines with more than 700 horsepower.
Nothing kills a car launch more than a problem supplying enough product to match demand. Ford's future rides on the availability of EV batteries.
Car makers have tried several things over the years to keep cars from being stolen. Car keys date back to the early 1900s. They were more effective when all cars added doors. People have even clamped...
Tesla is far enough along in sales and a breadth of products to survive the coming deluge of electric vehicle offerings. Lucid is not, by a long shot.
A recent analysis reveals that this Nissan model was the car with the lowest emissions.