CIGIE Training Institute Leadership and Mission Support Academy, CIGIE Fellows Program

Program Description


The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Fellows Program (CFP) is designed to strengthen enterprise leadership across the government and oversight community by providing OIG professionals with expanded perspective and skillsets to address challenges facing the government. These increasingly complex challenges require leaders to work across agency and organizational boundaries while leveraging networks in order to effectively deliver services to the American people.

The program is focused on talent development and building the next generation of career senior executives with an enterprise perspective. This is accomplished through an interagency rotation focused on the complex, cross-agency challenges that increasingly confront the Federal government and strengthening enterprise leadership skills through targeted development sessions. The goal of the program is to build a cadre of government oversight leaders with strong inter-agency experience and exposure to a broad cross-section of government.

Fellows work on challenging assignments to develop the skillsets and networks that enterprise leaders need: a whole-of-government perspective, stakeholder collaboration and engagement, working across boundaries without formal authority, and working outside traditional agency structures. The CFP requires Fellows to leverage their skills to drive progress on important programs and deliver long-term strategic results.

The CFP works closely with CIGIE Committees to allow Fellows to develop a deeper understanding of organizational performance, delivering results, embracing innovation, and focusing on outcomes and effective service delivery.

Program Overview

The CFP is sponsored by the CIGIE Professional Development Committee and supported by CIGIE Training Institute’s Leadership and Mission Support (L&MS) Academy. It is a 1-year senior leadership development program that includes a number of developmental activities throughout the course of the year. CFP Fellows will be placed in an interagency rotation assignment within the CIGIE community that is generally outside the Fellow’s subject matter expertise.

The CFP provides an opportunity for a diverse cohort of high-potential career employees to develop enterprise leadership skills as they seek to become future Senior Executives. Fellows spend at least 680 work hours (equivalent to 85 workdays or 4 months) in a rotational assignment gaining on-the-job experience. Fellows also attend multiple developmental Cohort activities built around the stakeholders, networks, and skillsets that senior leaders need in an enterprise environment.

Program Objectives

  • Provide Fellows a broad federal oversight perspective on high-priority challenges and access to senior decision-makers with exposure to a wide cross-section of government;
  • Develop a cadre of leaders with executive-level skillsets and networks to address challenges through a cross-agency lens and implement solutions across organizational boundaries;
  • Strengthen on-going implementation efforts of cross-agency initiatives important to the CIGIE community that require broad coordination to ensure delivery of tangible results;
  • Expose Fellows to new operational procedures within other OIGs; thereby cultivating the exchange of best practices and innovation.

Program Parameters

  • This program is open to career GS-14 to GS-15 and equivalent permanent OIG employees, as well as exceptionally qualified GS-13 employees.;
  • Agencies may nominate up to four candidates to the CFP Program to be considered for inclusion in the program (admission is competitive and nominees are not guaranteed to be selected);
  • Program duration is one year, starting March 1, 2020;
  • The rotation component is outside of home agency and may be full-time or part-time, as long as it totals at least 4 months or 680 work hours;
  • Program includes multiple leadership developmental activities that occur every few weeks except for during the summer and holiday breaks.
  • The rotation is non-reimbursable.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding will be developed between home agency and gaining/host agency.
  • This is not a certified SES candidate development program and there is no guarantee for placement into a Senior Executive Service (SES) position as a result of participation in this program, however, participation does provide experience that may be used in developing Executive Core Qualifications.

Program Benefits

  • Increased exposure to a variety of agencies – including cultures, missions, functional areas, senior leaders and new ways of doing business;
  • Improved ability to address complex problems that cut across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries, and to build and leverage relationships to have an impact beyond their formal authority;
  • Heightened government-wide perspective on problem solving, best practices, and real solutions that can be applied within the home agency;
  • Experience relying on collaborative leadership skills, rather than technical expertise, to meet mission goals;
  • Firsthand experience integrating into a new culture and fast-paced, ambiguous environment with an emphasis on flexibility and entrepreneurial skills
  • Increased ability to leverage newly expanded professional networks to identify innovative and collaborative ways of tackling challenges to address organizational challenges in future positions

History of the CFP

The CIGIE Fellows program was conceptualized and designed by Mr. Gregory D. Sampson, a career Evaluator with the DoD Office of Inspector General. In 2014, Greg worked with CIGIE community stakeholders to inspire a vision of building an inter-agency leadership program specifically for the oversight community. 

The vision was clear:  Invest in the best high performing candidates to develop the CIGIE community’s next generation of senior leaders who are prepared to address complex and transcendent oversight issues and lead change. 

Greg formed a working group and served as both the program’s architect and first program manager.  The inaugural cohort pilot of select OIG employees began Fellowships in 2015 and ending in early 2016 that represented 4 senior and highly capable Fellows from OIGs of DoD, DOS, HUD, and USDA. 

The program successfully administered two additional Cohorts, in 2017 and 2018 respectively, each with 12 Fellows representing the best and brightest from the community. The program is set to launch its fourth Cohort in early 2020.

The program is managed by volunteers dedicated to leadership development throughout the community.   Many of the managers are Program graduates and are supported by OIG professionals committed to the Program’s success. 

Program FAQs

Q. How is this program different from other leadership programs?

This program is designed by and for IG professionals in the CIGIE community. The CFP focuses exclusively on high-potential GS-14s, 15s, and exceptionally qualified GS-13s and equivalents who are interested in gaining a unique cross-agency perspective in Federal oversight.

Through this program, Fellows participate in leadership development activities and rotational assignments. Experiential and developmental activities will enhance critical skill sets such as leading change, building coalitions, working across government to solve problems, and performance management. This program is aimed at those ready to enter the ranks of senior leadership, as well as developing the pipeline of future career Senior Executives in Federal oversight.

Increasingly, the most pressing challenges facing Federal oversight cut across organizational boundaries, requiring a workforce that works across agencies to develop solutions that address these challenges and deliver lasting results.

Upon completing the program, participants will take their valuable experience back to their agencies, creating a cadre of enterprise-wide leaders within the Federal oversight community.

Q. What happens to the Fellows after the program?

Agencies are encouraged to find other opportunities within the agency for the Fellow--including a new position, project, or other opportunities—to leverage his or her experience as a CFP Fellow to applicable agency goals.

Following the end of the program, Fellows can choose to stay connected to the CFP Program network through:

• Alumni activities – From mentoring the next cohort of Fellows to alumni events and trainings, CFP graduates can maintain and expand their network of leaders across the oversight community.

• Database of participants – The CFP will create and maintain a database of alumni to facilitate post-program networking and future events.

Q. Does nomination by an agency guarantee placement in the CFP Program?

No. This is a competitive program, and agency nominations typically exceed the number of slots in the program. Candidates will be selected through an assessment of qualifications and a structured interview process.

Q. Who will pay the Fellow’s salary?

During the rotation component of the program, the Fellow maintains his or her position of record and the assignment is non-reimbursable. Therefore, the Fellow’s home agency will pay his or her salary.

Q. Will the Fellow have to/get to travel?

The rotational work assignments are generally located in Washington, DC. In the third year of the program, there were some Fellows in the program from field offices outside of the DC area. One agency did fund the Fellow to be TDY in the DC area during their rotational assignment. The others worked out arrangements with the hosting OIGs for the Fellows to work from their field office location, augmented with some TDY. Should an agency nominate candidates from outside of the Washington, DC area, the agency will fund associated travel expenses if the candidate is selected for the program, including TDY to attend the mandatory developmental cohort activities scheduled throughout the year.

Q. Does the Fellow have to be located in Washington, DC?

Participation is limited to high-potential GS 13-15 employees who would benefit from a challenging assignment outside of their employing OIG.

Q. Is this a Candidate Development Program?

No – this is a senior leadership developmental program open only to employees within the CIGIE community and includes a rotational assignment component. Although some aspects of the program are similar to a CDP, the CFP is not certified as a CDP by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

Q. Does the rotation qualify as a CDP developmental assignment?

The rotational assignment is non-supervisory. If a Fellow is also a participant in a CDP, and the Fellow has a strong supervisory background, the rotation assignment may satisfy CDP requirements. Fellows should check with their CDP coordinator to ensure it meets all applicable requirements.

Q. Will the Fellow’s position be executive level?

CFP rotations are meant to build a foundation for enterprise leadership – giving a Fellow experience working in another agency and culture and work on initiatives at a larger scale and outside of their agency perspective. The Fellow is often one of the only people to work on an assigned initiative and is not in a traditional leadership role with clear authority. Additionally, many of the positions are housed in small teams that do not have support staff. Fellows work all aspects of the program to drive the mission and are not set up to be in a traditional chain of command leadership position.

However, we do advise that the responsibilities be at least one grade level above the Fellow’s current grade. Each rotation should provide significant exposure to senior leaders, the ability to learn and apply new organizational performance tools, and often the opportunity to engage in high-level work on a large cross-agency scale. Fellows have the ability to help craft their positions and identify ways to add vision, value, and leadership to complex, cross-agency challenges, and the experience and type of work is, in part, Fellow-driven.

Q. Will Fellows be promoted as a result of or at completion of this program?

This program does not guarantee promotion or entry into the SES or any other position. However, it provides development and experience that may help the Fellow obtain such a position in the future. Though we cannot make direct correlations, there have been Fellows who have received promotions after completing the program.

Q. What will happen to the Fellow’s home position while on rotation?

The CFP is a non-reimbursable developmental rotation. As such, the Fellow will retain his or her position at his or her home agency and will be allowed to return to that position at the conclusion of the rotation. However, nothing prevents the Fellow from assuming a different position following the CFP Program rotation should the Fellow seek out such an opportunity or if the agency engages in a structured talent development plan with the Fellow. The Fellow and home agency supervisor must ensure the Fellow’s work is transferred fully, or in part, to other employee(s) for the duration of the rotation, depending whether the rotation is part-time, full-time, or a combination thereof.

Q. Is a security clearance required?

It depends. For the Fellows Program, no, there is no need to possess a certain clearance level to be nominated for the program. However, some rotational assignments may require a specific clearance level.

Q. Who will conduct the Fellow’s performance review?

The Fellow’s home agency supervisor will conduct formal performance reviews, but the rotational assignment supervisor will provide feedback to the Fellow’s home agency supervisor and will work with the Fellow to create a performance plan based off the rotational assignment. The CFP Management Team may also provide input to the home supervisor where appropriate.

Q. What happens if the rotational assignment is not a good fit with the Fellow or the Fellow cannot complete the program for personal/work reasons?

The CFP Program Staff will meet regularly with Fellows to check in on their progress and fit with the developmental and rotational components of the program. The CFP staff will also receive feedback from rotational assignment supervisors. Should the rotational assignment not be a good fit with the Fellow, the CFP Staff, in collaboration with the Host and Home agency CFP Liaisons, will work with the Fellow to modify an existing or identify a new rotational assignment.

Should the Fellow be unable to complete the program for personal or professional reasons, the Fellow must notify the CFP Staff as soon as possible. The CFP Staff will work with the Fellow and host supervisor to facilitate a smooth transition and ensure that necessary stakeholders are briefed on status of their project(s) and other work requiring attention. The Fellow’s slot will not be refilled mid-program.

CFP Liaison Resources

News and Updates

News and Updates – Prior Cohorts

November 22, 2019

2020 CIGIE Fellows Program Announcement Memo

April 20, 2018

2018 CIGIE Fellows Program Announcement Memo

CIGIE Fellows Cohort Activity – Gettysburg Leadership Tour, September 2017

CIGIE Fellows Cohort Activity – Gettysburg Leadership Tour, September 2017

The CIGIE Fellows, along with the Fellows Program Manager, CIGIE Leadership Development Subcommittee (LDS) Chair, and LDS Co-Chair, visited the Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, PA. The group toured the battlefield with a certified Gettysburg Tour Guide, who provided thought provoking explanations at various sites on the battle of Gettysburg. The Fellows learned about strategy execution and leadership, specifically the consequences of leadership decisions that were made during the battle. Described as the turning point of the civil war, the three-day battle that began on the first day of July 1863 would prove that the proper combination of leadership and skills can be the difference between victory and defeat.

CIGIE Fellows Cohort Activity - CIGIE Leadership Forum, October 2017

CIGIE Fellows Cohort Activity – CIGIE Leadership Forum, October 2017

The CIGIE Fellows attended the 4th Annual CIGIE Leadership Forum at the NASA auditorium in Washington, DC. The forum was welcomed by the Honorable Michael Horowitz, DOJ Inspector General, and the keynote address was provided by the Honorable Paul Martin, NASA Inspector General. The forum featured a presentation on organizational culture by an American University professor, and two panels of Inspectors General and Office of Inspector General (OIG) staff discussing leadership, culture and change in OIGs. Throughout the forum, the Fellows and other attendees asked questions and engaged in discussion about the forum topics of leadership, culture, and change; and, a few of the Fellows had the opportunity to share their Fellowship experiences during a special panel. Closing remarks were provided by Robert Westbrooks, PBGC Inspector General and CIGIE Professional Development Committee Chair. The forum was attended by more than 650 IG professionals, with approximately 200 people attending in-person, as well as more than 450 virtually.

CIGIE Fellows Cohort Activity – IG Case Study in Culture Change, November 2017

After reviewing a case study on culture change at Amtrak OIG, the Fellows had the opportunity to meet with Tom Howard, Amtrak Inspector General, and learn about his experience in leading culture change first-hand. CIGIE Fellows learned about the leadership principles he employed, and still employs, and were able to ask questions and engage in informative discussions with IG Howard.

CIGIE Fellows Cohort Activities – ECQs and 360 Assessments, December 2017

CIGIE Fellows attended an Office of Personnel Management presentation explaining the executive core qualifications (ECQs) for the Senior Executive Service (SES). The presentation detailed the five ECQs and provided information to Fellows regarding how to think critically about leadership development and behaviors, recognize present ECQ proficiency, create a plan to achieve desired ECQ proficiencies, and determine the level of ECQ proficiency appropriate for the Fellows desired result. After the ECQ presentation, the Fellows learned how to interpret and understand their results from OPM’s 360 Leadership Assessment. All twelve of the Fellows were provided a 360 Leadership Assessment as part of the program.

Meet the 2020 Fellows

Nichole Fleming  Colin Arbes  (United States Postal Service OIG)







Joseph Aiosa  LaSharn Barnes (Defense Intelligence Agency OIG)







Ronald Anderson  Elainena Edwards (Department of Defense OIG)









Kristopher Dixon  Jeremy Ellis (Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR)







Fara Damelin  Darren Felsburg (Department of State OIG)







Christie Deskiewicz  Nadine Forgenie (Department of the Treasury OIG)





Christine Fagioletti  Larkin Jennings (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission OIG)







Nichole Fleming  Stephen Jordan (Department of State OIG)







Mark Gray  Eileen Kao (Department of the Treasury OIG)






David Huff  Nadia Konstantinova (Department of Justice OIG)







  Kelly McGovern (United States Department of Agriculture OIG)







 Renalda Stallworth (Social Security Administration OIG)







  Jill Trynosky (Environmental Protection Agency OIG)






  Santipong Vorabhanda (United States Department of Agriculture OIG)






  Kevin Watts (United States Department of Agriculture OIG)






  Matthew Worner (Department of Defense OIG)






Meet the Past Fellows

2018 Fellows

Anthony PatlabaAnthony Patlaba  (Social Security Administration OIG)






Nhi Stanton

  Nhi Stanton (Department of Defense OIG)





Amanda AbrahamAmanda Abraham  (Department of Justice OIG)





Tori Kaufman  Tori Kaufman (Farm Credit Administration OIG)





Carlos PrietoCarlos Prieto (Department of Defense OIG)





Matthew Hebert  Matthew Hebert (Department of Justice OIG)





Lauretta JosephLauretta Joseph (Environmental Protection Agency OIG)





James Ludwig  James Ludwig (Department of Justice OIG)





Elva LinaresElva Linares (Department of Homeland Security OIG)





Jane Bannon  Jane Bannon (Department of Agriculture OIG)





Bakari BakerBakari Baker (Environmental Protection Agency OIG)





Kristene McMinn  Kristene McMinn (Department of State OIG)





2017 Fellows

Adeline Agbedo  Adeline Agbedo  (Department of Energy OIG)







Joseph Aiosa  Joseph Aiosa (Social Security Administration OIG)







Ronald Anderson  Ronald Anderson (Social Security Administration OIG)







Kristopher Dixon  Kristopher Brash Dixon (Department of Justice OIG)







Fara Damelin  Fara Damelin (National Science Foundation OIG)







Christie Deskiewicz  Christie Deskiewicz (Department of Justice OIG)







Christine Fagioletti  Christine Fagioletti (Department of Defense OIG)







Nichole Fleming  Nichole Fleming (Department of Justice OIG)







Mark Gray  Mark Gray (Social Security Administration OIG)







David Huff  David Huff (Department of Defense OIG)







  Alex Rzasa (Social Security Administration OIG)






  Elizabeth Sweetland (National Science Foundation OIG)







2016 Fellows

  Adam Bernstein (Housing and Urban Development OIG)






  Anna Leslie (Department of the Interior OIG)






  Kenneth Sharpless (Department of Defense OIG)






  Jessica Taylor (Department of Agriculture OIG)






CIGIE Fellows Alumni Group

Our Vision: Foster and strengthen leaders for the betterment of our oversight community and nation.

Our Mission:

The mission of the CIGIE Fellows Alumni Group is:

  1. To ensure the long-term health and viability of the CIGIE Fellows Program, robust experiences and reputation of the Fellowship in collaboration with the CIGIE Professional Development Committee, the Leadership Development Subcommittee, and the CIGIE staff.
  2. To support CIGIE Fellows outreach and recruiting activities to ensure future generations of highly-qualified applicants to the CIGIE Fellows Program.
  3. To support the current Cohort of CIGIE Fellows through volunteerism, mentoring, and participation in the Annual CIGIE Leadership Forum, and other activities throughout the year.
  4. To facilitate a smooth and effective transition of each Cohort of CIGIE Fellows and actively participate in the Group through various engagement and networking activities.
  5. To build a CIGIE Fellows Alumni community of mutual support that actively participates in leadership and service opportunities and to encourage Fellows’ lifelong contributions to excellence in oversight and to the public good.

Our Values:

  • Serve the nation with humility and selflessness.
  • Be a bedrock of integrity, independence, and professionalism
  • Exemplify a spirit of mentoring, and mutual support.
  • Pursue excellence in public service.

Meet the Management Team

2022 CIGIE Fellows Program Management Team


  • Dave Gross, CIGIE
  • Kit Tam, HUD OIG 


  • Matt Hebert, DOJ OIG
  • LaSharn Barnes, EPA OIG 


  • Kate Snow, USAID OIG
  • Dave Gross, CIGIE
  • Tara Rodas, CIGIE
  • Jill Trynosky, USITC OIG 


  • Fara Damelin, HUD OIG
  • Stephen Jordan, HHS OIG
  • Renalda Stallworth, SSA OIG  


  • Adam Bernstein, HUD OIG
  • Greg Sampson, DOD OIG
  • Ruth Strande, USAID OIG

Former CIGIE Fellows Program Managers

2015 (Inaugural Cohort)               Gregory D. Sampson, DoD IG

2017                                                 Adam Bernstein, HUD OIG

2018                                                 Kenneth Sharpless, DoD IG

                                                          Ronald Anderson, SSA OIG

                                                          Adeline Agbedo, DOE IG

                                                          Christine Fagioletti, DoD IG