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The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (Council or CIGIE)


Section 11 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. app. 3.), as amended (IG Act).


The mission of the Council shall be to address integrity, economy, and effectiveness issues that transcend individual Government agencies; and to increase the professionalism and effectiveness of personnel by developing policies, standards, and approaches to aid in the establishment of a well-trained and highly skilled workforce in the Offices of Inspectors General (OIG).


  • All Inspectors General (IGs) whose offices are established under either section 2 or section 8G of the IG Act, or pursuant to other statutory authority (e.g., the Special IGs for Afghanistan Reconstruction and Troubled Asset Relief Program).
  • The IGs of the Intelligence Community and the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • The IGs of the Government Publishing Office, the Library of Congress, the Capitol Police, the Government Accountability Office, and the Architect of the Capitol.
  • The Controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
  • A senior level official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) designated by the Director of the FBI.
  • The Director of the Office of Government Ethics.
  • The Special Counsel of the Office of Special Counsel.
  • The Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management.
  • The Deputy Director for Management of OMB.
  • Those serving in an acting capacity in the above-specified positions. Acting capacity means the individual who has the authority to perform the functions and duties of the position.

At the option of the Chairperson, after considering advice from the Executive Council, representatives of other government organizations may be invited to attend, observe, or contribute to Council meetings and activities.

Officers and Executive Council

Executive Chairperson - The Deputy Director for Management of OMB shall serve as the Executive Chairperson. The Executive Chairperson shall preside over Council meetings; provide to the heads of agencies and entities represented on the Council summary reports of Council activities; and provide to the Council such information relating to the agencies and entities represented on the Council as assists the Council in performing its functions.

Chairperson - The Council shall elect, for a two-year term, a Chairperson from among the non-acting IGs referred to in either section 2 or section 8G of the IG Act or from the non-acting IGs of the Intelligence Community or the Central Intelligence Agency. The term of the Chairperson shall run from January of every odd-numbered year. The Chairperson, in consultation with the Executive Council, shall develop procedures for conducting elections. Candidates for Chairperson may be nominated by any member of the Council or self-nominated.

The Chairperson shall convene meetings of the Council and, in the absence of the Executive Chairperson, preside over meetings; appoint the Vice Chairperson; exercise the functions and duties of the Council; oversee the administrative and business functions of the Council; establish standing committees of the Council (in consultation with the membership); serve as an ex officio member of each of the standing committees; and prepare and transmit an annual report to the President and the Congress on the activities of the Council.

Vice Chairperson - The Chairperson shall appoint a Vice Chairperson from among the non-acting IGs referred to in either section 2 or section 8G of the IG Act or from the non-acting IGs of the Intelligence Community or the Central Intelligence Agency, except that the Vice Chairperson must be appointed from a category of IG other than the category from which the Chairperson was elected. The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in carrying out the functions of the Council and act in the absence of the Chairperson. If the Chairperson cannot fulfill his or her term, the Vice Chairperson will fulfill the duties of the Chairperson. If the Vice Chairperson cannot for any reason act in this capacity, the Executive Council will decide whether to appoint a new Chairperson and/or to hold an election for a new Chairperson to serve for the remainder of the Chairperson’s term.

Executive Council - There shall be an Executive Council of the Council consisting of the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the Council, the chairs of each of the standing committees, the immediate past Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Council, the Chairperson of the Integrity Committee and, at the discretion of the Chairperson, an at-large member selected by the Chairperson in consultation with the Executive Council. The Executive Council assists the Chairperson in governance of the Council. The Executive Council will meet monthly, to the extent possible, and will provide Council members with a summary of these meetings.

Functions and Duties of the Council

  • Continually identify, review, and discuss areas of weakness and vulnerability in Federal programs and operations with respect to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement;
  • Develop plans for coordinated, government-wide activities that address these problems and promote economy and efficiency in Federal programs and operations, including interagency and inter-entity audit, investigation, inspection, and evaluation programs and projects to deal efficiently and effectively with those problems concerning fraud and waste that exceed the capability or jurisdiction of an individual agency or entity;
  • Develop policies that will aid in the maintenance of a corps of well-trained and highly skilled OIG personnel;
  • Maintain a website and other information technology (IT) systems for the benefit of all IGs;
  • Maintain a Training Institute with one or more academies for the professional training of auditors, investigators, inspectors, evaluators, and other OIG personnel;
  • Submit recommendations of individuals to the appropriate appointing authority for any IG appointment under either section 2 or section 8G of the IG Act, or any other open IG appointment, as appropriate;
  • Make such reports to Congress as the Chairperson determines are necessary or appropriate;
  • Except as otherwise specified in section 11(c)(1)(H) of the IG Act, receive review, and mediate any disputes submitted in writing to the Council by an OIG regarding an audit, investigation, inspection, evaluation, or project that involves the jurisdiction of more than one OIG. When such a dispute is received by the Council, the Chairperson will delegate responsibility for review and mediation of the dispute to the appropriate Council committee. If such Council committee cannot resolve the dispute or the Chairperson determines that delegation to a Council committee is not appropriate, the dispute will be reviewed and mediated by the Executive Council;
  • Maintain an Integrity Committee that shall receive, review, and refer for investigation allegations of wrongdoing that are made against IGs and designated staff members of the various OIGs; and
  • Perform other duties within the authority and jurisdiction of the Council, as appropriate.

Council Strategic Planning

The Council will, in accordance with the Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) of 1993 and GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, Public Law 111-352 (2010), and OMB Circular A-11, prepare, not later than the first Monday in February of any year following the year in which the term of the president commences, a strategic plan setting forth the Council’s mission, vision, goals, objectives, and performance measures. The strategic plan will cover a period of not less than four years following the fiscal year submitted. Additionally, each year the Council will update a one-year operational plan that sets forth approaches and measures for the Council to meet its strategic plan.

Council Meetings and Decision-Making

Although the Council will meet monthly to the extent possible, meetings shall be held at least six times a year, and may be called more frequently than monthly at the discretion of the Chairperson. The Chairperson will set the final agenda after considering recommendations from the Vice Chairperson, Executive Council, and Executive Director.

In order for decisions of the Council to be made during a given meeting, there must be a quorum present at the time the meeting is called to order. A quorum for the Council exists if the number of members present plus authorized substitutes for the number of members absent (as discussed below) equals two-thirds of the total number of Council members. Council staff will be responsible for preparing minutes of all Council meetings.

Decisions of the Council will be made by consensus when possible. When consensus is not possible, any two members (a proposer and a second) may call for a vote on an issue. For an election or motion to be considered decided, it must have the agreement of a majority of the membership present. At the option of the Chairperson, elections and votes may be held by a show of hands, recorded vote, electronic vote, or by secret ballot. If a member is unable to attend a Council meeting, an authorized substitute for that member may attend and vote in the stead of the member, or the member may designate another member to act as his/her proxy for voting. If necessary, electronic voting may be held between Council meetings. In order for a decision to be made through electronic voting, a quorum of the Council members, equaling two-thirds of the total number of Council members, must cast a vote.

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) will generally inform the Council’s decision-making process but are not binding on the Council. At the discretion of the Chairperson or by agreement of a majority of the membership present at a given meeting, the rules contained in the current edition of RONR will be formally observed solely for resolution of a specific issue, but only to the extent such rules are not inconsistent with this Charter or law. Under no circumstances will failure to follow RONR invalidate any action taken by the Council.


The Council is authorized through section 1105(a)(33) of Title 31, United States Code, to have a separate appropriations account.

Additionally, and in accordance with section 11 of the IG Act, and notwithstanding section 1532 of Title 31, United States Code, or any other provision of law prohibiting the interagency funding of activities, the Executive Chairperson may authorize the use of interagency funding for government-wide training of OIG employees, Integrity Committee functions, or any authorized purpose determined by the Council. Upon the Executive Chairperson’s authorization, any Federal agency or designated Federal entity (as defined in section 8G(a) of the IG Act) which has a member on the Council shall fund or participate in the funding of such activities.

Pursuant to this authority, the Chairperson, in consultation with the Executive Council, will determine an assessment for each OIG member (prorated based on the member’s appropriation or funding level) to cover the anticipated annual costs of the Council. This prorated assessment will be presented to the Council membership for concurrence.

Also pursuant to this authority, the Council may request and receive funding from any Federal agency or designated Federal entity that has a member on the Council in connection with the provision of Council services to such Federal agency or designated Federal entity.

The Council may request and receive funding as otherwise permitted by law.

The Council may establish in the U.S. Treasury a revolving fund entitled the “Inspectors General Council Fund” or enter into an arrangement with a department or agency to use an existing revolving fund. Any amounts in the fund shall remain available to the Council until expended, without any fiscal year limitation.

CIGIE Administrative Support

The Council will maintain its own permanent staff, which will be hired and managed under the provisions of Title 5 of the United States Code. With the exception of the staff of the Office of General Counsel (OGC), permanent Council staff will be headed by an Executive Director who reports to the Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson. The Executive Director will provide oversight to such staff. The staff of the OGC will be headed by a General Counsel who reports to the Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson. The General Counsel will provide oversight to such staff. Payment for staff costs will be funded through monies available to the Council for such purpose. All Council staff will be responsible for supporting the activities of the Council including, but not limited to, drafting Council reports such as the annual report, maintaining the Council’s website and archives, maintenance and operation of the Training Institute, support of the Integrity Committee, and additional functions as identified.


Annually, the Chairperson, in coordination with the Executive Council, will present a proposed operating budget to the Council for approval. The Chairperson will, through the office of the Executive Director, execute and maintain all appropriate budget processes and documents of Council operations in accordance with governing laws, regulations, and principles. The Executive Director, under the direction and approval of the Audit Committee, will contract for an independent financial audit of the Council’s financial statements and operations at the conclusion of each fiscal year. The Audit Committee will receive all audit reports and coordinate the activities of the independent auditor with the Council staff.


Integrity Committee (IC) - The Council shall maintain an Integrity Committee as required by section 11(d) of the IG Act. The Integrity Committee shall consist of the following members:

  • Four IGs or acting IGs appointed by the Council Chairperson. Such IGs shall be from OIGs established under either section 2 or section 8G of the IG Act or from the OIGs for the Intelligence Community or Central Intelligence Agency. Such IGs shall represent both establishments and designated Federal entities (as that term is defined in section 8G(a) of the IG Act). Each appointed member will serve a four-year term. Appointments will be staggered so that one member will be appointed every year;
  • The FBI official serving as a member of the Council; and
  • The Director of the Office of Government Ethics or the designee of the Director.

The Integrity Committee shall elect one of the four IGs or acting IGs to serve as the Chairperson of the Integrity Committee. The Chairperson of the Integrity Committee will serve a two-year term.

The Chief of the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, or his/her designee, shall serve as a legal advisor to the Integrity Committee.

The Integrity Committee Policies and Procedures, required by section 11(d)(7)(B) of the IG Act, set forth the processes and standards by which the Integrity Committee conducts itself and the guiding principles and duties of the Integrity Committee. Such policies and procedures shall be developed in conjunction with the Chairperson of the Council and will be submitted to Congressional committees of jurisdiction.

Records of the Integrity Committee will be maintained by the Council.

Standing Committees -The Council maintains the following standing committees, including but not limited to:

Provides leadership to and serves as a resource for the Federal IG audit community. Sponsors and coordinates audits that address multi-agency or government-wide issues, maintains professional standards for OIG audit activities, and administers the audit peer review program. Provides input to the Council’s Professional Development Committee and the Training Institute on the training and development needs of the IG audit community and advice to the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Executive Director regarding the Council’s contracts for audit services.

Budget Committee
Provides leadership in the development of the Council’s annual Congressional appropriation request by coordinating a transparent process to assess current Council activities and, in consultation with the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Executive Council, presenting a proposed budget to the membership for discussion and adoption. In addition, the Committee serves as the IG community’s lead in coordinating with the OMB and relevant Congressional committees with regard to funding Council activities.

Information Technology
Provides technical leadership to and serves as a resource for the IG community on information technology (IT) matters. The Committee promotes coordination and technical proficiency on IT audits, evaluations, and reviews, and advances increased use of high-quality digital forensics and data analytics to identify criminal activity and internal control issues. The Committee also works with the Professional Development Committee on technology training needs and opportunities. Finally, the IT Committee assists in the development and communication of the IG community’s perspective on proposed legislation, regulation, and guidance on government-wide IT operations.

Inspection and Evaluation
Provides leadership for the IG inspection and evaluation community’s effort to improve agency program effectiveness by maintaining professional standards; leading the development of protocols for reviewing management issues that cut across departments and agencies; promoting the use of advanced program evaluation techniques; and fostering awareness of evaluation and inspection practice in OIGs. The Committee provides input to the Council’s Professional Development Committee and the Training Institute on the training and development needs of the IG inspection and evaluation community.

Contributes to improvements in program integrity, efficiency, and cost effectiveness government-wide by providing analysis of investigative issues common to federal agencies. Provides the IG community with guidance, support, and assistance in conducting high-quality investigations. Provides input to the Council’s Professional Development Committee and the Training Institute on the training and development needs of the IG investigations community.

Ensures that the Council is kept abreast of matters in the Congressional arena that are of interest to the IG community. Develops, coordinates, and represents the official IG community positions on legislative issues. The Committee will coordinate with the Council’s Executive Director and General Counsel on legislative issues that impact the Council.

Professional Development
Provides educational opportunities, through the Training Institute, for members of the IG community and professional development opportunities to ensure the development of competent personnel. Receives input from the Audit, Investigations, and Inspections and Evaluation Committees on the training and development needs of the IG community. Seeks opportunities to improve training methods, enhance the development of OIG staff, and establish training to meet continuing educational requirements.

The Chairperson, in consultation with the members of the Council, may establish additional standing or ad hoc committees, redefine their purposes and responsibilities, or abolish existing committees as the Chairperson determines best meets the needs of the Council and the IG community. Elections for the Chairs of these committees will be held in February of every odd-numbered year. The Chairs of these committees may be elected from among all IGs or acting IGs on the Council. Members will choose their preference for which committees they seek to serve. Members of each committee must include, at a minimum, IGs appointed under both section 2 and section 8G of the IG Act. Members serve a two-year term and may serve consecutive terms. Vice Chairs for these committees must be selected by the Chairs from a category of IG other than the category from which the Chair was elected.

Standing committee Chairs and Vice Chairs will serve for two years. In the event a Committee Chair resigns during his/her two-year term, the Vice Chair becomes the Committee Chair and may appoint a new Vice Chair. The committees generally have the authority to act within their areas of jurisdiction; however, the issuance of any community-wide report or guidance, other than the Council’s annual report, which the Chairperson approves and issues, shall require a vote of the full Council. Additionally, the Chairperson must approve any expenditure of Council funds. The Committee Chairs will provide the Chairperson and the Council with regular reports on their committee activities.

Amendment of the Charter

This Charter may be amended at any time by a two-thirds vote of the entire Council, provided such proposed amendment shall first have been submitted to Council members reasonably in advance of the vote. Any member may have an authorized substitute or proxy holder vote in the stead of the member.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Council shall be October 1 through September 30.