Integrated putaway delivers true task interleaving

Get true task-interleaving functionality and increased productivity without increasing labor costs

Locus Putaway functionality enables workers to maximize productivity by simultaneously picking orders, managing returns, and replenishing the pick space using the same robotic technology. The result is a highly efficient, cost-effective, and continuous picking and restocking process that maximizes the worker’s productivity and efficiency.

Efficiently manage and restock returns

The Locus system is ideal for handling labor-intensive returns and restocking through true task interleaving. LocusBots take the disparate return items back into the warehouse, eliminating extra restocking labor time to dramatically increase worker efficiency .

Higher productivity, less aisle traffic

Locus Putaway improves productivity by enabling task interleaving and better shift management.

Locus eliminates the need for picking and replenishment carts that lead to aisle congestion, increasing efficiency and improving worker safety.

More efficient use of worker resources

Staffing flexibility minimizes overtime labor costs and delivers higher productivity levels for maximum efficiency in the picking space.

True task-interleaving improves overall worker productivity

Locus’s true task interleaving lets workers become cross-trained for multiple roles, dramatically improving their productivity, and enabling them to get more work done throughout the day.  Locus eliminates the need for separate picking and putaway teams, or overnight replenishment teams found in cart-based systems.

warehouse automation

The modern, flexible, and easily reconfigurable transport system

Locus Transport™ lets you integrate a flexible and easily reconfigurable point-to-point (P2P) transport functionality to your operation to let you easily move your products and inventory in your warehouse.

Locus Transport™