Get a detailed ROI analysis and deployment plan in just ONE week!

The simple, fast-track way to evaluate the ROI and value of adding AMR automation into your facility

Locus RAD Program

Locus Rapid Assessment & Design Service

Locus’s new Rapid Assessment & Design Service is the fast and easy way to evaluate the productivity benefits and return on investment (ROI) of deploying Locus’s innovative collaborative robotics solution to ensure that you’ll be ready to meet the high demand in the post-pandemic economy

Higher productivity, lower cycle times and labor costs

Locus is a proven, real-world robotics solution that dramatically increases UPH/UPL rates, decreases cycle times and worker training requirements. You’ll save money and ensure that you’ll be ready to meet your customers’ SLAs and growing volume.

Three simple steps to get started

We’ve simplified the process of evaluating the ROI and suitability of deploying the Locus solution into three simple steps. Using your data, we develop a detailed and actionable plan in just ONE week, helping fast-track getting you up and running!

It’s easy to get started, just contact us… today!

Get Started!

Think outside the cart

Learn how Locus takes you beyond the status quo and delivers:
  • • Higher productivity
  • • Lower labor costs
  • • Easily scalability to meet your needs. Now and in the future.
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