video maker depicting a video ad selling shoes

Sell more
with powerful ecommerce videos.

Add photos and videos of your product and shipping options

Or, let us make videos for you.

We’ll create a custom video for you with guided templates. Just select a type of video, answer a few questions, and our smart editor will automatically create a polished, personalized video.

Skincare company video brand kit

Get your sales moving with video.

For Angela Caglia, founder of Angela Caglia Skincare, video has worked beautifully for showing off her product line and enticing interested buyers.

The best part? She can make a glossy video campaign in less time, with less money.


more online conversions


revenue boost

Create ecommerce videos that stand out from the competition.

Whether you’re an experienced ecommerce retailer or a novice, these pro tips will help you create more effective, attention-grabbing videos to grow your audience and sell more products.  

ecommerce video new arrivals

Use product videos to increase conversions.

Today’s consumers are savvy, and it’s often not enough to provide a written list of a product’s features and benefits. Not only does Vimeo’s free product video creator make it easy to create persuasive product videos for social media, but you can also create product videos for ecommerce and embed videos to increase the time visitors spend on your product pages and boost conversions. 

You’ll convert more visitors to buyers when you leverage product video for ecommerce to showcase the real-world use and the various applications for your product, from the practical to the innovative. Unboxing videos, product tours, and customer testimonial videos can mean the difference between a visitor who decides to check out your competitors first and a visitor who hits the buy button immediately. 

Here are a few video types you can try:

  • Social ads: Drive buyers to your store with short video ads to promote your products on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media platforms.
  • Social content: Delight followers with videos that pop in the feed.
  • Product videos: Highlight the details that make buyers click BUY.
  • Product demos: Demonstrate the ins and outs of how to use your product.
  • Teaser videos: Share just enough about your new launch to pique potential buyers’ interest.
  • Testimonial videos: Leverage user-generated content to highlight the ingenious ways your customers are using your products IRL.

Promote your ecommerce videos on social media.

Whether it’s sharing an ecommerce video as a native social media video or promoting your ecommerce product videos in sponsored posts or social media ads, video is a powerful tool for getting your audience’s attention. With Vimeo’s free product video creator, you can create high-quality, engaging product videos for ecommerce and compelling product ads that convert with ease. 

Use detail-rich descriptions, subtitles, and captions to convey your message.

Many web and social media users browse websites and social media platforms with the sound off, and that means that without supporting text to communicate your key message, you’ll quickly lose their interest. Create detail-rich video descriptions and add captions to your product marketing videos with Vimeo’s ecommerce video creator. You can customize the text on every frame to tell your brand’s or product’s story or convey the highlights of a product promotion or store-wide sale, complete with a powerful call-to-action at the end so viewers know exactly what to do next.

Frequently asked questions about ecommerce videos.

  • Why should I use ecommerce video marketing?
    • Many of today’s consumers would rather watch a product video for ecommerce than read a lengthy product description or even a list of product features. Ecommerce product videos keep visitors on site for longer, increase total page visits, and improve the likelihood of purchase. Ecommerce product videos are effective on social media too. Sharing product videos that showcase a product being used in real-world situations stops the scroll so you can raise awareness about your products.
  • What types of ecommerce videos can I create?
    • Vimeo’s free product video creator makes it easy to create all kinds of product videos for ecommerce: product ads, videos promoting store-wide sales, exclusive offers, limited-time deals, product demos, unboxing videos, product reviews, testimonials, how-to videos, behind-the-scenes production videos, and any other video content you can imagine to showcase your products.
  • How long should ecommerce product videos be?
    • Today’s consumers have short attention spans, so it’s essential to captivate viewers within the first few seconds of your product video for ecommerce. Expert opinions on the ideal length of product videos for ecommerce vary, ranging from 5 seconds and 5 minutes. When determining your video’s ideal length, keep your objective in mind (the type of ecommerce video you’re creating), as well as your target audience’s preferences and video specs for the social media platforms you’ll share or promote your video on. At the end of the day, the ideal length for a product video is the length that your audience responds to best, so test everything.

Create your first ecommerce video today.