Vimeo Stock for Enterprise

Exceptional, royalty-free stock footage, carefully curated to make your work shine. Straightforward licensing and coverage tailored to meet your business needs.

Exclusive stock footage, meet Vimeo’s unparalleled collaboration tools.

Vimeo Stock for Enterprise combines the best stock footage in the industry - curated to help you avoid the clutter - with Vimeo’s unparalleled suite of workflow tools, so that you can store and manage your stock assets along with all of your video projects.

1,000 Essentials collection clips, included at no additional cost

The Vimeo Stock Essentials Collection has everything you need to get started on your next project, and it’s fully included in every enterprise package.

Footage you won’t find anywhere else

Over 30% of our contributors are exclusive to Vimeo Stock, including Sherpas Cinema, Karim Illiya, Felt Soul Media, Hannah Jacobs, and Eyeforce Media.

Constantly updated

We’re adding thousands of fresh clips on a weekly basis, breathing new inspiration and variety into your projects.

Research on Demand

Need a showcase of footage to consider for your project as soon as possible? Count on us to get it done.

The best collection in the industry at your fingertips.

Reach out today so that we can set you up with a plan that meets your needs.

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