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3rd Order High-pass Filter with 1 Op Amp

Circuit design *Manufacture and development of electronics *DIY Electronics for beginners

A 3rd order high-pass filter with 1 Op Amp can be used together with a 3rd order low-pass filter with 1 Op Amp to make a frequency splitter, for example. Design is similar to a 3rd order low-pass filter, so let’s do it.

Basic equations for third order high-pass filters

The transfer function of a 3rd order high-pass filter is:

                A  s/ω₁  s²/ω₂²
H(s) = —————————————————————————————————
       (1 + s/ω₁)(1 + s/(Q ω₂) + s²/ω₂²)

A – gain;
ω1 – radial frequency of the first stage, ω / K1;
ω2 – radial frequency of the second stage, ω / K2;
Q – quality factor of the second stage;
ω – pass-band radial frequency of the filter;
s – complex frequency.

Open brackets to have another form of the transfer function:

              A  a s  c s²                       A  a c s³                         A  ps3 s³
H(s) = ————————————————————————— = ————————————————————————————————————— = ———————————————————————————      
       (1 + a s)(1 + b s + c s²)   1 + (a + b) s + (a b + c) s² + a c s³   1 + ps1 s + ps2 s² + ps3 s³
ps1 = 1 / ω₁ + 1 / (Q ω₂)
ps2 = 1 / (ω₁ Q ω₂) + 1/ω₂²
ps3 = 1 / (ω₁ ω₂²)

Knowing a −3 dB frequency and filter type, we can get K1 and K2 from tables in books [1] or compute them to get ω1 and ω2.

3rd Order One Op Amp Multiple Feedback High-pass Filter

3rd Order Multiple Feedback High-pass Filter
3rd Order Multiple Feedback High-pass Filter

Design Equations

The transfer function is:

                 A ps3 s³
H(s) = ———————————————————————————
       1 + ps1 s + ps2 s² + ps3 s³

Assuming an ideal Op Amp, the factors are:

ps1 = (C1 + C2) R1 + (C2 + C3 + C4) R2
ps2 = ((C1 C2 + (C1 + C2) (C3 + C4)) R1 + C3 C4 R3) R2
ps3 = R1 R2 R3 C3 C4 (C1 + C2)

the gain is:

          C1 C2
A = − ————————————
      (C1 + C2) C3


Let’s compute the a third order Butterworth filter with 1 kHz corner frequency and unity gain.

Set C1 = C2 = 10 nF (E24).

          C1 C2             10 nF × 10 nF
C3 = − ——————————— = − —————————————————————— = 5 nF ≈ 5.1 nF (E24)
       A (C1 + C2)     (−1) × (10 nF + 10 nF)
       1       1           1                 1
ps1 = ———— + —————— = ————————————— + ————————————————— ≈ 3.183e−4
      ω/K1   Q ω/K2   2 π × 1 kHz/1   1 × 2 π × 1 kHz/1

           1           1                        1                          1
ps2 = ——————————— + ——————— = ——————————————————————————————————— + ———————————————— ≈ 5.066e−8      
      ω/K1 Q ω/K2   (ω/K2)²   2 π × 1 kHz/K1 × 1 × 2 π × 1 kHz/K1   (2 π × 1 kHz/1)²

            1                       1
ps3 = ———————————— = ———————————————————————————————— ≈ 4.0314e−12
      ω/K1 (ω/K2)²   2 π × 1 kHz/1 × (2 π × 1 kHz/1)²

There are 3 equations and 4 unknown values: R1, R2, R3, C4.

To find a solution, set a C4 value and solve the equations to find R1, R2, R3. It is hard to find an analytical solution, so we will do it numerically.

Let’s set C4 = 75 nF (E24).
The solution is: R1 ≈ 7.52 kOhm ≈ 7.5 kOhm (E96), R2 ≈ 1.86 kOhm ≈ 1.87 kOhm (E96), R3 ≈ 37.6 kOhm ≈ 37.4 kOhm (E96).

Simulation confirms that our solution is correct.

Third Order Multiple Feedback High-pass Filter, Frequency response
Third Order Multiple Feedback High-pass Filter, Frequency response

Magnitude of the input impedance is varying from a very high value at low frequencies to about 300 Ohm at 100 kHz.

Third Order Multiple Feedback Low-pass Filter, Input impedance
Third Order Multiple Feedback Low-pass Filter, Input impedance

Let’s ensure that the circuit is stable and see step response of the circuit using parameters from the OPA2134 datasheet.

Third Order Multiple Feedback Butterworth High-pass Filter, Step response
Third Order Multiple Feedback Butterworth High-pass Filter, Step response

A Fully Differential Amplifier can also be used, but the R1 and R2 values must be multiplied by 2.

Third Order Multiple Feedback High-pass Filter with Fully Differential Amplifier
Third Order Multiple Feedback High-pass Filter with Fully Differential Amplifier

3rd Order One Op Amp Sallen-Key High-pass Filter

Third Order Sallen-Key High-pass Filter
Third Order Sallen-Key High-pass Filter

Design Equations

The transfer function is:

                 A ps3 s³
H(s) = ———————————————————————————
       1 + ps1 s + ps2 s² + ps3 s³

Assuming an ideal Op Amp, the factors are:

ps1 = (C1 + C2) R1 + (C2 + C3) R3 − C3 R2 R5 / R4
ps2 = C1 C2 R1 R3 + C3 [R3 (R1 (C1 + C2) + C2 R2) − (C1 + C2) R1 R2 R5 / R4]      
ps3 = C1 C2 C3 R1 R2 R3

the gain is:

A = 1 + R5 / R4


Let’s compute the same third order Butterworth filter with 1 kHz corner frequency and unity gain.

For unity gain: R5 = 0, R4 is not installed.

The factor values are already known:

ps1 ≈ 3.183e−4
ps2 ≈ 5.066e−8
ps3 ≈ 4.0314e−12

There are 3 equations and 6 unknown values: C1, C2, C3, R1, R2, R3.

Solutions with C1=C2=C3 are the most interesting to optimize our bill of materials.

Set C1 = C2 = C3 = 24 nF (E24). Now we can find other values solving the equations numerically:

R1 ≈ 4.76 kOhm ≈ 4.75 kOhm (E96), R2 ≈ 32.76 kOhm ≈ 32.4 kOhm (E96), R3 ≈ 1.87 kOhm ≈ 1.87 kOhm (E96).

Simulation confirms that our solution is correct.

Third Order Sallen-Key High-pass Filter, Frequency response
Third Order Sallen-Key High-pass Filter, Frequency response

Magnitude of the input impedance is varying from a very high value at low frequencies to about 4 kOhm at 100 kHz.

Third Order Sallen-Key High-pass Filter, Input impedance
Third Order Sallen-Key High-pass Filter, Input impedance

Let’s ensure that the circuit is stable and see step response of the circuit using parameters from the OPA2134 datasheet.

Third Order Sallen-Key Butterworth High-pass Filter, Step response
Third Order Sallen-Key Butterworth High-pass Filter, Step response

The step response is similar to the ideal filter step response. There is no oscillation, so the circuit can be used.


A 3rd order high-pass filter can be built using only one Op Amp. Multiple feedback and Sallen-Key topologies can be used.

An Op Amp’s Gain-Bandwidth Product (GBW) limits the working frequency range of the filter. Use this equation to estimate the GBW of the Op Amp and adjust it to your requirements:

GBW(Hz) = 100 Q G F3

Q is the quality factor of the filter;
G is the specified gain;
F3 is the cutoff frequency at -3 dB;
100 is the gain margin.


  1. Analog Devices. “Linear Circuit Design Handbook”. Chapter 8, “Analog Filters”. Link.

  2. Nuhertz Technologies, Active Filter Module. Link.

  3. "idealCircuit", a simulator. Link.

  4. "Filter Designer", a multistage analog active filter design tool for Android. Link.

  5. "Circuit Calculator", an electronics design tool for Android. Link.

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