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The Independent Study is the last step towards the Earthship Academy graduation. Once you have completed an Academy session, and one (or several) Field Studies, we believe that you will be confident enough to complete an Independent Study. The Independent Study does not have any cost, the academy staff will review your proposal and once the project is accepted, you will be able to put it in action. Once you have finished your Independent Study, our staff will review it and send you a diploma allowing you to build Earthships.

There is no time limit to complete your Earthship studies. So far nearly 50 people from all over the World have graduated from the Earthship Academy.

The Independent Study may be physical (launching a demonstration project in China, staging and facilitating a relief project in Haiti) or digital (designing a CAD model of an Earthship city in Turkey, mapping Pockets of Freedom in Australia).
For Example, you can read below an amazing Independent Study from Ian Watson. He has done in-depth research about Earthship performances and their inhabitants satisfactions:

Also the sum up of an Earthship Independent Study build, where 3 amazing Earthship students Juan, Santiago, and Tato have teamed up and created their own Earthship build in Salta, Argentina:

And we have students, such as Taylor Bode that wrote a very successful book about their Earthship building journey in California:

A final example (but we have hundred more example of outstanding Independent Study) could be the one from Eric Ficinus, that developped a cardboard Earthship model, so fun for the kids!

Independent Study proposal information and format:

Proposals should be brief, organized, and to the point.

Proposals should include:

  • Description of the project

  • Proposed beneficiaries, if any

  • Time frame (target dates)

  • What resources you will be requesting from Earthship Biotecture (if any)

  • How you intend to document your project

  • How you will share your finished project with fellow Academy Students and world

Be assured that we will really help you to make your Independent Study successful, please do not hesitate to email us if you have any more questions:

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